3M Nextel 312 ceramic fibres and textiles have been released from export licence requirements under the US Commerce Control List (CCL), export control classification number (ECCN) 1C010.c, announced 3M, a leader in technical high-temperature, continuous aluminium oxide fibres.
The US Department of Commerce announced a final rule on March 29, 2021 that eliminates the need for export licences for Nextel 312 fibres, rovings, yarns, sewing threads, tapes, sleevings, and textiles.
When compared to other high-temperature textile materials like aramids, quartz, or glass, Nextel 312 products can withstand higher operating temperatures. The Nextel 312 products have been tested to endure continuous usage temperatures of up to 2192°F (1200°C) and are now available globally, removing earlier hurdles that impeded worldwide consumer uptake.
Over the last few years, 3M has increased capacity for all Nextel fibre grades to better meet the needs of existing customers and service new clients in a variety of industries and applications throughout the world.