Business & Policy | Corporate Update

Focusing on core markets in the automotive industry and specialties, Indorama Ventures in Obernburg concentrates its capabilities and product line.

Published: May 8, 2023

The Obernburg location of Indorama Ventures in Germany will concentrate on the tyre and vehicle safety/airbags and specialty markets, as well as drive a few product innovations for use in new market niches. As a result, the business intends to modify its capacity at the Obernburg plant and eliminate about 80 of the 620 current employment by year’s end in production and support roles.

“Global competitive pressure in the man-made fibres industry continues,” stated Stefan Braun, Managing Director of Indorama Ventures at Industrie Centre Obernburg. Despite the fact that our clients see us as one of their top technical partners, especially when it comes to the design and manufacture of nylon yarns, the cost pressure on the production of individual polyester-based yarns has been steadily rising in recent years. We are therefore persuaded that our choice to concentrate on our core capabilities will help us to succeed long-term.

Positions in production, administration, and sales are all impacted by the employment reduction. On May 4, representatives of the business and the Works Council jointly informed the staff of the circumstance.

Making the changes as palatable as feasible is the goal. Braun continued, “We are prepared to talk to employees who will soon reach retirement age and who wish to leave the company early.” In the following weeks, appropriate steps will be decided upon by the firm and employee representatives.With its headquarters in Bangkok, Thailand, Indorama Ventures is one of the top producers of synthetic fibres worldwide. The presence of global manufacturing across Europe, Africa, America, and the Asia-Pacific area now also includes the Obernburg location following PHP Fibres’ 2014 acquisition, a producer of synthetic fibres.

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