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NCTO held its election for Council chairs and board members

Published: June 17, 2020
Author: munimji

National Council of textile organizations is the board of U. S. textile industry representing the entire spectrum of textile industry fiber to finished products held its election on 16th June 2020 for the fiscal year 2020

NCTO elected chairs for the Council along with the appointment of the new Chairman and Vice-Chairman.

Each council of NCTO has a particular number of members who are elected to the association’s Board of Directors. NCTO is comprised of four councils to ensure a broad representation of the industry supply chain.

I am pleased to announce our new officers, council chairs, and board and executive committee members for NCTO’s 2020 fiscal year,” said NCTO President and CEO Kim Glas. “David Roberts, CEO of Cap Yarns, has been elected our new chairman and succeeds Leib Oehmig, CEO of Glen Raven Inc., who did an outstanding job serving in the role for more than a year.”

“This is a critical juncture for our industry as we continue to navigate through an uncertain business environment this year. I could not be prouder of our industry, which has stepped up and retooled to produce critical personal protective equipment (PPE) for frontline workers battling the COVID-19 pandemic. With the support of our newly elected officers, NCTO will continue to work on behalf of its members to shape policies that will help our industry persevere and thrive. Through a dedicated association staff and a committed group of industry leaders, we will ensure that together we continue to have a seat at the table in Washington.”

Elected as NCTO Chairman and Vice Chairman for 2020 are:

  • Chairman – David Roberts, CEO of Cap Yarns Inc
  • Vice-Chairman – David Poston, president of Palmetto Synthetics LLC

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