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Three-fourth of Sustainable Cotton Sold as Common Cotton

Published: July 3, 2020
Author: Millionaires


Three-quarters of sustainable cotton is sold as conventional cotton and farmers end up selling their cotton as conventional cotton due to lack of demand,according to Isabelle Roger, Global Cotton Programme manager of Solidaridad Network in the Netherlands. She calls the trend ‘shocking’ and blames brands for failing to take their responsibilities seriously.

The Sustainable Cotton Ranking 2020 also reveals that there is an increasing gap between companies that do take responsibility and those that don’t, she told Fbire2Fashion in an interview. We still have companies that have not started the journey and are still in the red. These companies need support. They can learn from their peers; they can partner with civil society organisations. It is about the willingness. Yes, sustainability is a lot of work, but it’s possible.

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