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The 2nd Artificial Intelligence on Fashion and Textile International Conference (AIFT 2019) is officially launched today Promoting the Integration between Textile, Fashion and AI

Published: August 1, 2019

The 2nd Artificial Intelligence on Fashion and Textile International Conference (AIFT 2019), jointly organized by the 19th International Exhibition on Textile Industry (ShanghaiTex 2019) and the Institute of Textiles & Clothing, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, conducted a press conference at the Shanghai International Fashion Center today, revealing details of AIFT 2019 and  was spotlighted in several industry media outlets. Guests who attended the press conference include: Prof. Calvin Wong, Cheng Yik Hung Professor in Fashion at the Institute of Textiles and Clothing, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Professor Wang Zhijie, Associate Dean & Ph.D supervisor at the College of Information Sciences and Technology of Donghua University, Professor Dong Aihua, Associate Professor at the College of Information Sciences and Technology of Donghua University, Mr. Liu Weiping, General Manager of Shanghai Textile Technology Service & Exhibition Co., Ltd., Mr. Bian Guorong, Vice President of Shanghai International Exhibition Co., Ltd., Mr. Parry Chung, General Manager of the Adsale Exhibition Services Ltd. etc.








The organizers of ShanghaiTex 2019 (Shanghai Textile Technology Service & Exhibition Co., Ltd., Shanghai International Exhibition Co., ltd., Adsale Exhibition Service Ltd.) and the Institute of Textiles & Clothing, Hong Kong Polytechnic University signed Cooperation Agreement.


Prof. Calvin Wong, Cheng Yik Hung Professor in Fashion at the Institute of Textiles and Clothing, Hong Kong Polytechnic University announced that AIFT will develop a long-term cooperation with ShanghaiTex 2019, with a forecast that an Artificial Intelligence Alliance will be established together with a number of institutions during the opening of AIFT 2019. Prof. Wong also mentioned that computer technology, especially AI’s rapid development over the past twenty years has changed our lifestyle and society. The textile and fashion industry will step into The Fourth Industrial Revolution soon as the mature technology application in production process will become more usual, the technology will be further optimized according to the market needs. In view of this, AIFT 2019 adopts “research, application, popularization” as the core values, aiming to connect the researchers and industry practitioners together to explore new AI applications in the textile and fashion industry.



Professor Wang Zhijie, Associate Dean & Ph.D supervisor at the College of Information Sciences and Technology of Donghua University, as one of the co-organizers, stated that the characteristics of the college have always been inseparable from “intelligence” and “textile and apparel industries”, indicating that their belief and the theme of AIFT 2019 is very similar, thus they are pleased to be a part of AIFT to accelerate the development and application of AI on Textile and Fashion Industry.


Conference Hotpots: Tapping the Potential of AI applications in Textile and Fashion Industry

Following the success of AIFT 2018 as the first edition, AIFT 2019 will be held simultaneously with ShanghaiTex 2019’s TexTech Galaxy in Shanghai Pudong during 25-27 November 2019, which will once again provide an open platform for researchers, engineers and practitioners in the area of AI, fashion and textile to explore the ways driving towards “Industry 4.0” and “The New Era of Retail”. The speakers of AIFT 2019 includeProf. Calvin Wong, Cheng Yik Hung Professor in Fashion at the Institute of Textiles and Clothing of Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityProf. Anne Toomey, Head of Textile Programme Royal in College of Art, London and Prof. Chua Tet Seng, KITHCT Chair Professor School of Computing in National University of Singapore. Key topics of the speeches cover internet of thingstextile and apparel supply chain modeling, textile material defect detection, textile material color measurementwearable devices, 3D image modeling for fitting, retail sales replenishment and fashion sales forecasting,carrying out a comprehensive analysis of the opportunities and challenges in textile and fashion industry brought by the AI.


Gathering Together the International Experts
Expand the Potential of AI in Fashion and Textile Industry 

Other than the three thematic speeches, AIFT 2019 invites global researchers in the field of textile, fashion and AI to submit papers, in order to share their thoughts and suggestions on the topics such as Basic Theories, Principles and Techniques of AI and the Applications on Fashion and Textiles, promoting the development of technology and helping the audiences to find business inspiration. At the same time, ShanghaiTex 2019will organize a series of forward-looking technology related events, including Textech Galaxy’s Wearable Technology X Textile Design Competition (WTTDC 2019) andTextech Startup PlanetForums on Textile 4.0, SustainabilityTextile x Women’s Different Stages of life, Digital Printing and Green Denim etc., exploring the cross-border innovation of textile, fashion & technology.


Grab Your Early Bird Tickets to Gasp the Big Trend of AI on Fashion and Textile

Successfully pre-registered visitors of AIFT 2019 will be entitled to enjoy a range of benefits, including free admission to ShanghaiTex 2019, priority access into the VIP lounge and thematic conferences. Visitors who Pre-Register before 15 October 2019 could even enjoy early bird discounts. Do not miss the chance to attend an international academic exchange and strengthen your business competitiveness! For more information regarding the conference, please visit


Concurrent Exhibition: ShanghaiTex 2019
ShanghaiTex 2019 will be grandly held on 25-28 November 2019 at Shanghai New International Expo Centre. The fair will cover nine exhibition halls with a total area of 100,000 sq.m. It is expected to gather more than 1,200 exhibitors from 26 countries and 65,000 international visitors, creating a one-stop trading platform to lead the future of textile and fashion industries.

Under the theme of “Smarter Textile.Better Life” with the past achievements on the basis of traditional machinery, ShanghaiTex 2019 will highlight its newly established “Textech Galaxy” as one of the concurrent events, focusing on three new areas: AI, wearable technology and startups. Through showcase, conferences, competition and business matching, the exhibition will build a bridge between new technology, textile and fashion industries, achieving full potential of textile technology and inspiring the future!

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