
The 5 Top Uses For Belt Conveyors 

Published: May 31, 2024
Author: Jessica

Modern product manufacturing is characterized by increased productivity, decreased time, and decreased investment costs. Thus, producing technologically superior and competitive goods is of the utmost importance. In this light, the industrial sector can reap the benefits of adopting conveyor belts. 

Is the subject of automatic processes of interest to you? 

It is necessary to rapidly prepare and produce a large quantity of life-sustaining items. There are some ways to invest a little money and make a lot of profit, which you can use to expand your business. You should consider these as one way to boost your company’s bottom line. 

This site has a wealth of information if you’re curious about the industry’s recent tendency toward automation. 

  1. Belts for Agricultural 

From the ground up to the truck, agricultural conveyors play a significant role in growing potatoes, blueberries, and other crops. Machines make everything from harvesting to processing considerably easier, as any worker in the field can tell you. 

In industries like agriculture, where products and geography can present challenges like steep inclines or batch separation, a cleated belt conveyor is a lifesaver. Integrating them at different stages can enhance productivity, ultimately benefiting the organization. 

Similarly, processing firms can achieve their desired mechanical advantage by utilizing cleated conveyor belts with high inclines. Companies can also adopt more vertical designs, which help to save floor space and lower equipment capital costs. 

  1. Belts for Food Processing

Among the many facets of the food and drink sector, food production and preparation is among the most crucial. It can be challenging to efficiently transfer many products at scale, even with the most advanced gear. 

Keep in mind that dried hops, like many foods, are temperature-sensitive and may lose their value if stored incorrectly. The failure to properly control temperatures could result in significant financial consequences. Food recalls have increased by 10% in the last five years, indicating that the worst-case scenario is playing out more frequently, as reported by the Public Interest Research Group. The financial line and the reputation of a corporation could be irreparably damaged by only one incident. 

Using a specially designed cleated conveyor belt for each type of food ensures that everything runs smoothly and stays at the ideal temperature as it moves through the system. 

  1. Belts for Mining and Excavation

The generally uneven terrain of a construction site makes it challenging to transport minerals such as sand, gravel, limestone, and others. Moving silt into or out of a region becomes much more of a chore if traveling there is already challenging. 

A cleated conveyor belt allows businesses to greatly reduce material loss and improve the automation of formerly manual processes. Implementing this technology can greatly enhance workplace efficiency, particularly if it was non-existent before. 

Everything comes down to the fact that various designs have varied reactions to different materials. Determining if a U-shape or closed chevron design is more effective might be a game-changer for the belt’s efficiency. 

  1. Belts for Logistics and Warehouse

Warehouses play an essential part in the smooth operation of the intricate distribution accompanying the booming e-commerce sector, worth $1.6 trillion in 2018.   

Machinery is crucial in helping companies meet tight delivery dates; automation is at the heart of this. According to Westernacher, a worldwide consulting organization, approximately one out of ten U.S. warehouses use machines that fully automate the process. This highlights the crucial importance of investing in technology used for material and product movement. 

A business could lose much money due to just one bottleneck or misplaced package. Even with growing workloads, cleated conveyor belts keep everything moving in the right direction for proper distribution, allowing maximum efficiency and consistently high output. 

  1. Recycling Cleated Conveyor Belts

With the United States recycling rate reaching 35% (according to the EPA), sustainability is clearly a top priority for consumers. This is especially true in recycling operations. That’s the equivalent of recycling about fifteen Great Pyramids of Giza, one of the seven Wonders of the World, or about 87 million tons of material per year. 

Attempting to process the enormous amounts of recyclables these businesses handle without the proper equipment can cause major operational bottlenecks. 

Recycling companies rely on cleated conveyor belts to securely transport a variety of commodities, regardless of size or weight, ensuring that operations continue as planned. A huge volume of recyclable material goes to its destination without a hitch because of the custom-designed belts, which are a godsend for efficiency. 

Companies can improve the performance of legacy machinery and delay costly capital investments by retrofitting it with patterns intended to carry specific materials.  


  • The conveyor belt market is expected to grow to £3.9 billion by 2025. 
  • The polymer conveyor belt market is expected to develop at a pace of around 3.5% by 2025. 
  • The conveyor system market is anticipated to reach £7.8 billion by 2025. 
  • E-commerce and third-party logistics will account for 31% of the conveyor market growth. 
  • The food and beverage industry is expected to develop at the quickest pace between 2019 and 2025, driven by increased demand for packaged goods, with a growth rate of 4.5%. 

In the end! 

Nowadays, most companies concentrate on achieving substantial gains with relatively small investments. To access funds globally, they should prioritize faster processing times that yield better results and higher revenues. This would allow them to invest in more projects and grow their capital. 

Conveyor belts are an excellent alternative to traditional techniques of reducing investment costs; they not only organize the process but also offer a means of increasing income. 

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