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Meeting discusses measures to eradicate child labour in textile industry.

Published: April 3, 2021
Author: Manali bhanushali

The Bureau of International Labour Force of United States Department of Labour (US DoL) should remove cotton seeds, cotton, thread and yarn produced in India from its list of commodities that it restricts for imports, said Manojkumar Patodia, chairman of Cotton Textile Export Promotion Council (Texprocil). A virtual seminar was organised by the Texprocil, Employers Federation of Southern India (EFSI), Ethical Trade Initiative (ETI) and the Southern India Mills’ Association (SIMA). A press release from SIMA said major importing countries, especially the US, are very sensitive to the issue of child labour. The US DoL restricts imports of goods appearing in the list of goods on the source countries produced by child labour or forced labour violating International Labour Standards. In a list published September 30 last year, the US DoL included Indian cotton seeds, cotton, thread and yarn besides other commodities based on the reports published by certain NGOs. The Indian companies have been advised to monitor and ensure that no child labour or forced labour is employed within their organisation or with the suppliers’ organisations.

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