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ITAMMA strengthening it’s SMART DATA Clinic with “Skilling and Lean Schemes” on 29th Sep’ 2023 at ITME Center, Mumbai.

Published: October 4, 2023

Mr. Nimesh Shah, President, ITAMMA, in his welcome speech said As per our normal practice we try to have presentations on multiple topics making an attempt to complete the value chain of textile industry during our most of the events. Today we will be strengthening ITAMMA’s SMART DATA Clinic with “Skilling and Lean Schemes” through an informative presentations by Mr. Rajendra Aphale, Bachelor of Technology, IIT, Bombay & MBA, University of Bombay; while we will know the updating of our Business Enabler Platform from Mr Mehul Goswami, Director/ Digital Business Enabler, India Pvt Ltd.


(1)                                                                            (2)
During the 80th AGM Business session, Mr N D Mhatre, Director General (Tech) through a power point presentations gave a Glimpses of events organized during 2022/23. Where he mentioned about 20 members each at ITM 22 & DTG 23 will be getting benefit of MSME subsidy scheme and all the exhibitors during these International exhibitions were givenample of publicity and branding through ITMA Guides and Social media campaigns. It was also informed about the strategy of ITAMMA during Texfair 2022 at Coimbatore which registered a record winning enrolment of New Members. Catalogue shows at Solapur and Ludhiana as a business platform to members were followed by B K Mehta Technology Networking Mission giving an opportunity to Academicians, Industry Experts, Government authorities and Stake holders to know about the Projects available with the students for JVs / Technology transfers/contract research. He also mentioned about the year to be remembered for ITAMMA winning “6th Responsible BMO Award” under the category ‘Innovation’ at National level. Event Planner for the period Oct 23 to March 24 proposing about 16/17 activities was also shared. Thereafter the 80th Annual Report was released.


During his presentations on “ Latest LEAN schemes of MSME at Central level” by Mr. Rajendra Aphale, Consultant, Holistic Business Transformation gave a detailed information on these schemes along with the financials. During the Networking session it was learnt that 3⁄4 ITAMMA Members of Maharashtra will be implementing this scheme with the help of the Consultant.

ITAMMA after having an MoU with SAMBUQ for the development of Business Enabler Platform with a SMART DATA Clinic, a Vision to Create a ITAMMA Specific One Stop Information Sharing and Market Research Platform. accordingly the progress of the same was presented by Mr Mehul Goswami, Director/ Digital Business Enabler, India Pvt Ltd. focused on Skilling and Vendor Development.

Mr N D Mhatre, Director General (Tech) gave details about the Opportunities in Skilling as below. He informed that “Government scheme -PMKVY-4.0 provides an opportunity to upskill and reskill their employees and recognize their skills through formal certification. This scheme is termed as “ Recognition of Prior Learning.” The scheme provides an opportunity where existing workers gets trained /upskilled in the job roles as attached (shorter customised  duration program (Minimum 30 hrs and maximum 120 hrs, with 70% practical on the job training and 30%  classroom training) .The member company infrastructure will be utilized within shop floor and Industry experts(supervisor ) as a master trainer /trainer delivers the training . Once the training is completed CGSSC will conduct the assessment and certify them. The training cost as per government prescribed norms shall be paid @2000 Rs per trainee for 30 hrs and certificate cost shall also be borne by the government.

“M/S MAG SOLVICS PVT LTD. wins ITAMMA`s Special R & D/ Innovation Award 2021-22 under “ Precitex-ITAMMA Innovation Fund” For their R & D and Innovation work on Fully Automatic Cotton Fibre Tester (HVT Genius 2)” JURY mentioned that “ After detailed deliberation, and to the best of my knowledge and understanding, I could find the product and process for all of them, from a user perspective, quite innovative.

However, looking at various other features like a qualitative advantage, background, and profile of the R&D activities, its Techno commercial approach, and its value proposition, I have a conclusion of placing M/S MAG SOLVICS PVT LTD for R & D and Innovation work on Fully Automatic Cotton Fibre Tester(HVT Genius 2) the top of R&D /Innovation among all the Nominations in the sequence”

Vote of thanks was delivered by Mr. Purvik Panchal, Immediate Past President, ITAMMA, where he thanked all Speakers, Award winner, Press, delegates and India ITME Society for making the venue available on complimentary basis.


1  Mr. Nimesh J. Shah President, ITAMMA, delivering the Welcome Speech

2  Mr. N.D. Mhatre, Director General (Tech.), delivering presentations on Gli f E t d i 2022/23

3 Release of 80th Annual Report

4  Mr. Omprakash Manrty Hon Treasurer offering the Bouquet to Mr. Rajendra Aphale, Consultant, Holistic Business Transformation

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