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The Indian government has yet to make a decision on Karnataka’s interest in textile parks

Published: September 21, 2021
Author: Manali bhanushali
Though the Karnataka government has expressed an interest in developing mega textile parks in the state, the central textile ministry has yet to make a decision on any of the proposals because the project is still in its early stages, according to U P Singh, secretary of the central textile ministry, who recently met with textile industry representatives in Bengaluru.
The secretary informed them of the many incentives available from the federal government to individuals looking to expand their firm.
According to Singh, seven mega textile parks are planned for the country, however the locations have yet to be determined.
According to a news agency source, Singh noted that the parks will be built only in states that meet certain criteria such as 1,000 acres, investor-friendly regulations, strong connectivity via road, rail, and port, and consistent water and power supply.
“Karnataka is one of India’s garmenting centres. Because the Government of India is providing incentives to the textile industry for the next five years, we wanted to encourage local businessmen to take advantage of the programme “Singh was reported to have said.

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