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Advisory cell soon in India for anti-dumping duty on yarn.

Published: January 28, 2020

The textile commissioner’s office will soon form of a technical advisory cell for the anti-dumping duty investigation regarding import of nylon filament yarn originating from countries like China, Korea, Taiwan and Thailand. Yarn spinners in India are lobbying hard for imposing anti-dumping duty on all the filament yarns, including nylon.

A delegation from the Federation of Gujarat Weavers’ Welfare Association (FOGWA) and the Federation of Indian Art Silk Weaving Industry (FIASWI) met textile commissioner Moloy Chandan Chakrabortty in Mumbai to discuss the issues related to the anti-dumping duty and the Technology Upgradation Fund (TUF) scheme early this week, according to a report in a top English-language daily.

FOGWA leader Mayur Golwala said the association has demanded that the technical advisory cell should be formed taking stakeholders on board.

The annual consumption of nylon yarn in and around Surat is pegged at 1.50 lakh tonnes and that it is mostly used in warp and weft knitting of fabrics.

China and other countries are manufacturing new yarns to meet growing demand of the consumers. Imposition of anti-dumping duty on such yarns keeps the powerloom weavers away from getting quality yarn, which ultimately leads to increased import of fabrics and garments in India.

The textile commissioner also assured to release Rs. 400 crore pending subsidy amount. FIASWI chairman Bharat Gandhi said: “Anti-dumping duty on raw material is only going to ruin the textile sector. The yarn spinners have been forming cartels for artificial price hike and that the weavers have to pay a very heavy price.”

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