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India Is Requested to Increase R&D to Boost Cotton Production

Published: December 29, 2023

Prominent agricultural specialists have urged India to give research and development initiatives a higher priority in order to increase cotton production. The experts underlined that in order for India to fulfill the rising demand for cotton while also boosting farmer incomes and productivity, it is imperative that investments be made in state-of-the-art research and development.

Accordingly, to celebrate its golden jubilee, Indian seed maker Rasi Seeds recently arranged a national conference in New Delhi in association with the Federation of Seed Industry of India (FSII). About 150 of the country’s most renowned cotton experts, including those from the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), State Agricultural Universities (SAUs), and other organizations, came together for the meeting.

The conference concluded with a conclusion that, even though India leads the world in both acreage (13.61 million/ha) and bales of cotton produced (34.3 million), below-average productivity (447 kg/ha) urgently needs to be addressed. India presently ranks 44th in the world for production, which is disappointing given that the nation has the most cotton acreage worldwide.

Experts determined that a number of variables, such as changing weather patterns, an increase in pest and disease problems, and the sluggish adoption of cutting-edge technologies, were impeding productivity development. Over the last five to seven years, productivity has plateaued due in part to these constraints.

The conference emphasizes how crucial it is to implement particular policy and technological changes to address these issues and raise cotton productivity. By giving these projects top priority, India can protect its farmers’ lives and take back the lead in the world cotton output market.

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