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HR & Education | News & Insights


Published: April 30, 2021
Author: Manali bhanushali

The cycle of digital education sessions of Museo del Tessuto di Prato and C.L.A.S.S. ecohub talks about responsible textile culture

How to recognize truly sustainable fashion? How can responsible recycling of garments and fabrics – as well as new formulas for circular economy – make a difference in fighting the climate emergency? These are just some of the topics addressed during THE TEXTILE LIBRARY CIRCULAR SYMPOSIUM, the open-ended program of virtual meetings with some of the most influential fashion and sustainability experts organized by the Museo del Tessuto di Prato in collaboration with C.L.A.S.S. ecohub.

The museum and the international platform that creates awareness and supports professionals who believe in fashion and sustainable textiles have joined forces to talk not only to fashion enthusiasts but to everyone, and explore a hot and often underestimated topic that involves everyday life. The series of meetings deepens and complements the new section entirely dedicated to circular textiles in the museum’s Textile Library.

Like a real symposium, THE TEXTILE LIBRARY CIRCULAR SYMPOSIUM is a conversation arena involving 10 game changers who have been able to innovate not only with high-tech and responsible products and materials but also with new formulas, business models and production systems that respect the planet and people. Among the speakers of the cycle, visionary innovators who generate change at all levels: from the entire production system and beyond to retailers, leading international brands, research companies and communication experts, all the way to the final consumer

Being part of a district that has always been recognized for the excellence of its textile production, as well as a key entity on the Italian territory for the sharing of textile culture, our mission is to create wide awareness on the world of sustainable fashion. The new Textile Library allows to know the state of the art of circular innovation starting from raw materials and fabrics that we dress every day. For this reason we have involved C.L.A.S.S. to give life to a symposium that offers a further insight in direct contact with people and companies on the front line against Climate Change“. Comments Francesco Marini, President of Museo Del Tessuto di Prato.

We are excited about this important collaboration to release culture able to raise awareness of responsible textiles and its new generation values not only among industry professionals but to all people who believe in sustainability. For over twenty years C.L.A.S.S. has been fighting to convey the new values of sustainability in order to raise awareness among the contemporary end consumer, today more and more carefully and in search of responsible, circular and ethical fashion. We do this with activities and projects of education and communication that give voice to companies, designers, students and the main protagonists who work and innovate for change.” Adds Giusy Bettoni, CEO & founder of C.L.A.S.S. ecohub.

The first appointment is Wednesday, May 13 at 5 pm CEST with the talk THE SUSTAINABLE PERSPECTIVE. True sustainable fashion is a choral and capillary system in which every actor plays a fundamental role. During the meeting, professionals from different fields, from cultural institutions to industrial production, from marketing to retail, will share their perspective on sustainability. Giusy Bettoni of C.L.A.S.S. and the President of the Museo del Tessuto di Prato Francesco Marini talk with Maria Fernanda Hernandez Franco, Head of Sustainability & Global Communications of LUISAVIAROMA.COMand Antonio Achille, Senior Partner and Global Head of Luxury of the strategic consulting agency McKinsey & Company.

Recycling is the key word in THE SECOND CHANCE, the second meeting scheduled for June 10 h. 5 p.m CEST. “Unfortunately, many of the clothes we wear every day and the materials that make them up do not go to heaven at the end of their lives, but remain on earth for centuries.”

On September 29, also at 5 p.m. CEST, appointment for the talk A TICKET TO FASHION… AND BACKentirely dedicated to the new models of circular economy. Because if ‘nothing is created, nothing is destroyed and everything is transformed’, even for fashion, a model of linear economy that does not respect the planet is no longer acceptable. During this session internationally renowned experts will share their virtuous and circular case histories.

THE TEXTILE LIBRARY CIRCULAR SYMPOSIUM cycle is entirely open to everybody. Sessions will be held in Italian, but each session will be registered and uploaded on Museo del Tessuto di Prato and C.L.A.S.S. websites with English subtitles. To participate to the first one on Wednesday, May 13 at 5 pm CEST you must register at this link https://www.eventbrite.com/e/151928483183. Sessions will last about an hour and participants will have space and time to ask questions and engage with speakers.

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