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Story Of Class 7 Student Making Designer Masks Will Impress You

Published: June 27, 2020

Interest and creativity are two different things, but here comes Abran, a 11

year old boy from Kerala who uses both his passion and creativity to make Face masks from his home in this stressful times. He has come up with his own designer masks for ladies, gents and kids. When the textile industry is undergoing a major setback, here are some interesting elements that will build our hope that this industry is to survive.

Speaking to Textile Value Chain,  Abran D. Puthenparambil, a who is on his class 7 in The Delta Study of Fortkochi, an island near Kochi says, he is not sure from where he got the idea. “I had been seeing

boutique making and selling masks. Prior to this, I, along with my dad were making general dust-proof masks for the policemen and because of the lockdown happened, we couldn’t do that anymore. Thus the idea of designing and producing triple-layered and washable face masks generated.”, Abran says.

For Abran, themore than designing or manufacturing the mask his key challenge is to address the mounting orders and delivering it to the customer on time besides his school works. He said “My role model is Fashion Designer Sabyasachi and also brands like Ralph and Russo, Gucci. In fact, I got more inspired towards these brand names after visiting a store ‘Salt studio’ in our neighbourhood. I like them, how they do their designing work with so much elegance.”, Abran says who went to that place and also happened to know

how designer materials work.

This creative kid is not just only making designer masks but also had tried his hands on other aspects like baking, fishing post his study time. Abran would like thank his father and aunt, who are supportive and helpful from stitching to packing. Speaking about his career, he says, he wants to pursue fashion designing. “ I want to create a brand and make products by give them proper time to make and develop which are wearable and beautiful. And also want to try jewellery designs in the future”

Dhamodaran Palani

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