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UP to get new textile policy in June drawing an investment of Rs 1,000 cr in 5 years

Published: April 19, 2022

The Uttar Pradesh Government will execute its new Textile Policy 2022 in June drawing in a venture of Rs 1,000 crore in the following five years. Critical spotlight has been laid on assisting the weavers in counsel with specialists.

To advance power loom from sunlight based energy, around 500 such power weavers be made functional and 100 handloom weavers will be benefitted by the Handlooms and Textiles office consistently.

Boss Minister Yogi Adityanath has guided the division authorities to guarantee that advantages of the new strategy are reached out as a component of the advancement of this new plan to be carried out by the office in the state in June. The state government has proceeded weavers profiting the immediate advantages of the plan in the following five years. The public authority intends to interface weavers with new innovation and plans so they may effortlessly stay up with innovation while taking care of their responsibilities quicker.The most common way of setting up around 115 commodity arranged material businesses with a speculation of Rs 3,000 crore would be begun by June and the establishment stone of this plan will be laid in July and the business creation will begin by September 2025.

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