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Fibres and Yarns | Sustainability

Lenzing Upgraded E-Branding Service offers to value chain users

Published: November 9, 2022
  • Lenzing E-Branding Service adds multiple online service offerings in latest upgrade to offer greater convenience to value chain partners and brands
  • New features include Artwork Approval, Fiber Blending Quick Check Tool, Onboarding Tool, E-Branding Master Class and E-Branding Helpdesk

Lenzing – Lenzing Group, a leading global producer of wood-based specialty fibers, announced the release of a suite of new features on its Lenzing E-Branding Service platform that is now available across textile brands TENCEL™, LENZING™ ECOVERO™, as well as nonwovens brand VEOCEL™. Users will be able to use the new features – Artwork Approval, Fiber Blending Quick Check Tool, Onboarding Tool, E-Branding Master Class and E-Branding Helpdesk – to enjoy a smoother experience and greater convenience, as well as enhanced transparency across the value chain. The new features also complement existing services, such as fiber certification, application for product licenses, and branding materials.

“Since the introduction of Lenzing E-Branding Service in 2018, we have been on a mission to pioneer the digitalization of value chain management. While we remain committed to providing unprecedented traceability across the industry value chain, ensuring better user experience remains the key foundation of the Lenzing E-Branding Service,” said Harold Weghorst, Vice President of Global Marketing and Branding at Lenzing AG. “With our latest upgrade, users can leverage the new Artwork Approval process to access licensed marketing or co-branding materials with a few clicks, and learn about our service offerings via a suite of comprehensive resources. While material verification during the production process is important, we will not stop there. We aim to extend such verification services to finished garments, enabling greater traceability along the value chain.”

Artwork Approval process offers greater efficiency for brands and retailers                                                                                                                                       

As more consumers become aware of greenwashing, there is a growing need for brands and retailers to enhance descriptions of the sustainability elements in their products. Since 2017, the number of applications for fabric certifications, product licenses and swing-tickets in the E-Branding Service platform has grown exponentially, by around 1.5 times annually. To address the growing need for co-branded marketing content, the “Artwork Approval” process was launched to ensure fast turnaround for artwork confirmations. With a structured online collection of approved artworks, users can access their artwork collection anytime, anywhere, and apply selected artwork for multiple license applications.


Fiber Blending Quick Check Tool ensures effective labelling

To ensure accurate labelling of product ingredient, fabric manufacturers can leverage the new Fiber Blending Quick Check Tool to easily check whether the planned fiber blend of a specific fabric is in accordance with Lenzing’s Certification Standards. The tool can also verify the correct Lenzing fiber brand for each fiber type, which significantly helps retailers promote the final product among consumers. The Fiber Blending Quick Check Tool can be found on the landing page of the E-Branding Service. It is accessible to all visitors to the platform and does not require one to register.

Onboarding Tool, E-Branding Master Class and Helpdesk double up on knowledge transfer

To support the increasing number of users from different regions, the new E-Branding Service Onboarding Tool features a series of step-by-step guides that advises users on how to use the platform’s features. The recently launched E-Branding Masterclass also enables users to expand their knowledge of the platform through live webinars and recorded self-study learning modules covering certification and licensing of Lenzing’s TENCEL™, VEOCEL™ and LENZING™ ECOVERO™ brands. The self-study learning modules are available in English with subtitles in 10 languages.  The E-Branding Masterclass is supplemented by the E-Branding Helpdesk service which provides users with live support from a dedicated team of Helpdesk specialists, creating a comprehensive knowledge sharing platform.


TENCEL™ is the flagship brand under The Lenzing Group that covers textile specialty product fiber offerings. Since 1992, the TENCEL™ brand has been driving the evolution of fiber solutions for the apparel and home textile segments through several industry-first innovations and environmentally responsible production processes. Product brands under TENCEL™ include TENCEL™ Active, TENCEL™ Denim, TENCEL™ Home, TENCEL™ Intimate, TENCEL™ Luxe and TENCEL™ for Footwear. Featuring botanic origin and biodegradable quality, TENCEL™ branded modal and lyocell fibers are also gentle on skin with smooth, long-lasting softness, color vibrancy and color retention features.

VEOCEL™ is Lenzing Group’s flagship specialty nonwovens brand. Derived from renewable raw material wood, VEOCEL™ provides natural care every day, and is committed to driving industry standards around sustainability and comfort in the nonwovens sector. The VEOCEL™ brand is categorized into four branded offerings including VEOCEL™ Beauty, VEOCEL™ Body, VEOCEL™ Intimate and VEOCEL™ Surface. The VEOCEL™ product portfolio features VEOCEL™ Lyocell fibers and VEOCEL™ Specialty Viscose fibers that are tailored for sustainable lifestyles and help to maintain environmental balance by being fully integrated into nature’s cycle. All VEOCEL™ branded fibers are certified clean and safe, biodegradable from botanic origin and manufactured in an environmentally responsible production process.  All standard VEOCEL™ fibers are certified compostable and biodegradable under industrial, home, soil, fresh water and marine conditions, enabling them to break down safely into raw materials and fully revert into nature.

LENZING™ ECOVERO™ branded viscose fibers is the industry’s new standard for eco-responsible viscose. Derived from certified renewable wood sources using an eco-responsible production process by meeting high environmental standards, LENZING™ ECOVERO™ fibers tailor to a sustainable lifestyle, contributing to a cleaner environment.

About the Lenzing Group

The Lenzing Group stands for ecologically responsible production of specialty fibers made from the renewable raw material wood. As an innovation leader, Lenzing is a partner of global textile and nonwoven manufacturers and drives many new technological developments.

The Lenzing Group’s high-quality fibers form the basis for a variety of textile applications ranging from elegant clothing to versatile denims and high-performance sports clothing. Due to their consistent high quality, their biodegradability and compostability Lenzing fibers are also highly suitable for hygiene products and agricultural applications.

The business model of the Lenzing Group goes far beyond that of a traditional fiber producer. Together with its customers and partners, Lenzing develops innovative products along the value chain, creating added value for consumers. The Lenzing Group strives for the efficient utilization and processing of all raw materials and offers solutions to help redirect the textile sector towards a closed-loop economy. In order to reduce the speed of global warming and to accomplish the targets of the Paris Climate Agreement and the “Green Deal” of the EU Commission, Lenzing has a clear vision: namely to make a zero-carbon future come true.

Key Facts & Figures Lenzing Group 2021

Revenue: EUR 2.19 bn

Nominal capacity: 1,145,000 tonnes

Number of employees (headcount): 7,958


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