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Fibres and Yarns

Kevlar® EXOTM, a Next-Generation Aramid Fibre, is Announced by DuPont

Published: April 19, 2023

The most important advancement in aramid fibre in more than 50 years and a completely new technology platform were both presented by DuPont today with the introduction of Kevlar® EXOTM aramid fibre. This fibre is designed to provide performance and protection in a variety of demanding and demanding environments. The first of several Kevlar EXO application cases that will provide an unheard-of mix of lightness, flexibility, and protection from an aramid fibre will be life protection.

For years, the cutting-edge material that powers effective body armour that safeguards service members has been DuPontTM Kevlar. Military and law enforcement personnel can now experience previously unattainable levels of ballistic protection without sacrificing mobility or comfort thanks to body armour made from Kevlar EXO. Kevlar® EXOTM has unsurpassed pliability and conforms to body lines and curves. giving a more body-inclusive approach while maintaining optimal security.

Steven LaGanke, global business leader, DuPont Life Protection, said, “We’ve spent over a decade developing, refining, and perfecting Kevlar EXO, and the result is an industry-altering platform that has catapulted our life protection capabilities to a whole new level.” “Kevlar EXO offers never-before-seen ballistic and thermal performance in addition to offering a flexible and lightweight solution that enables users to operate at peak efficiency. It was developed and tested by renowned materials specialists at DuPont. Pound for pound, Kevlar EXO users may more effectively control energy production even while doing the most strenuous physical duties, whether they are emergency responders, law enforcement personnel, private security guards, or military personnel.On April 14–16, 2023, at the Best Ranger Competition, DuPont will make its Kevlar EXO premiere. brings together some of the most skilled soldiers in the United States military to compete against one another in a demanding match that mimics the physical and mental demands of combat. The United States Army Rangers will wear Kevlar EXO body armour vests at this year’s competition, making them the first soldiers in the world to achieve maximum comfort and flexibility while completing each obstacle.

Even the highest-performing soft body armour materials are vastly inferior to the brand-new Kevlar EXO aramid fibre. The advantages of Kevlar EXO include: the best in class, lightest weight ballistics soft armour options now on the market; the highest ballistics performance among all aramid fibres without sacrificing weight; maximum flexibility, enhancing comfort and mobility, and contouring when combined with superior carrier design, to curves and body lines with minimal constraint for maximum defence; naturally resistant to heat and flame; melt- and ignite-proof up to 500°C (932°F); delivers the same level of security five years after its initial delivery; Made in the USA at DuPont’s brand-new production facility in Spruance, Virginia; endlessly adaptable to each user’s body shape and use situation.

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