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Published: May 24, 2022


The Director of SDC International, Mr Yogesh Gaikwad welcomed the delegates and contributors to the conference. The SDC Presidentelect Mr UllhasNimkarCCOl FSDC inaugurated the conference and presented the keynotealong with the presidential address. Mr Nimkarintroduced SDC and encouraged attendees to enrol for SDC Memberships. He also provided a brief history of Denim industry and how it evolved into one of the most favourite apparels across the customer base.


The conference hosted chairman’s, managing directors, directors and country head including Researchers and media professionals. The learnings from the event were realistic and thought provoking.


Topics that were discussed:

The conference provided paper on innovations that were realistic and implementable. The topics include:

  • Paper 1-Dr Ashok Athalye FSDC- “A novel recipe to keep dark denim-darker”
  • Paper 2- Mr Jaydeep Umalkar-Flash dyeing of Indigo in Mili Seconds (A path to zero discharge)
  • Paper 3- Mr Dinesh Chopra – Chairman – Handling Denim Responsibly
  • Paper 4: Mr Shekhar Singh- Latest developments in sustainable denim processing
  • Paper 5 -Mr Andrew Filarowski, New Technology Series (biological-dyeing, digital dyeing technology)
  • Paper 6-Mr Sujoy Dutta -Ultimate sustainable solution providing clean denim production, Dr Sanjay Katode-Saving valuable resources

There was a marked emphasis on Bio-Based products and solutions which indicates a new trend.

For approved a public copy of the speaker’s presentation please register here

Panel discussion:

The two highly interactive panel discussion on:

‘Impact assessment of sustainable solutions’ was moderated by Mr UllhasNimkarPrésident elect SDC

The audience enthusiastically enquired about the sustainable solutions available andtested them with probing questions. The panel included, Mr Venkatesan Vasudevan, Mr Manmohan Singh, Mr Umashankar Mahapatra, Mr M AAnandhan

‘Climate change, supply chain response ‘was moderated by Mr AnjaniPrasad, Trustee SDC India

The panel discussion emphasised on innovations that can have a 360 degree impact on manufacturing of textiles. The audience and panelist debated on need for products based on non-fossil fuel sources. Technologies like 3D manufacturing,were also debated along with natural dyes. The panel included Mr Raj Tanna, Mr Francis Dodson, Mr Shakeel Saeed, Mr Shekhar Singh

Thankful to:


SDC International private limited


RossariBiotech limited

SCHUTZEN Chemical Group

Neochem Technologies Pvt Ltd

T +91 22 6144 5900E [email protected]W www.

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