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West Bengal Textile Policy

Published: March 6, 2020


To establish West Bengal as a leading producer of Globally competitive value added textiles and apparel products, for both Domestic & International Markets in overall textile value chain from fiber to finished product, by developing and sustainably growing a modern and innovation-driven textile & garment industry with a special focus on a balanced growth across all the religions of the states.


The textile policy of Government of West Bengal aims at doubling the share of West Bengal’s textile industry from the current 5.2% to at least 10% in next 10 years.

Enabling  Business Environment

The state government shall continuously work towards:

1. Providing  a  better  and more conducive  business environment  for textile sector with special focus on spinning mills, yarn procurement, handloom, powerloom, hosiery and garment sector.

2. Simplifying the business regulatory environment  in the state.

3. Developing web-enabled common application gateway.

4. Progressively making clearances by the state authorities web-enabled.

5. Introducing  timelines  defined in respect of all clearances.

6. Enhancing the quality of human resource through training and skill development packages.

7. Promoting pooling of common services and functions (common facility centre) under cluster approach for the benefit of smaller players.

8. Strengthening  participation of and support to SHGs and cooperatives   in  the production and marketing  in textile sector.

9. Setting up industrial estates I textile parks for providing basic infrastructure to textile industries.

10. Encouraging joint ventures with private sector in  the entire value chain of the textile industry.

11. Creating marketing infrastructure and support through setting up haats/parks and facilitating participation of state’s textile sector in fairs/expo/exhibitions.

12. Facilitating design support to hand loom sector with special focus on SH Gs and cooperatives.

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