Ties and bow ties are an integral part of mens’ as well as womens’ fashion. Ties are one of the wardrobe essentials for everyone. Silk, wool, cotton, linen are common fabrics used for ties. Mostly people prefer silk ties as it looks more formal and elegant. The half-Windsor, Full Windsor, and Four-in-hand are the common knots. Most of the other types of tie knots are a variation of these three, with slight differences. Wearing a tie not only enhances the personality but also attracts respect and gives confidence to the wearer. Nowadays ties are recycled to a finished product to produce different types of fashionable items like tie made into a dress, hand bag, wallet or photo album, tie made accessories like bracelets, head gear, hats, belts etc. Bow ties, once a strictly male accessory, have made a comeback in fashion recently. People have started wearing bow ties as a fashion statement. This shows that they are creative and do not shy away from wearing a bow tie. People are becoming very creative when it comes to ties and bow ties. The butterfly, big butterfly, batwing, club round and diamond are different shapes of bow ties. Creative bow ties made by upcycling things such as table covers, shoes, belt etc.
A well-tied tie is the first serious step in life – Oscar Wilde
A gentleman should dress to his strengths to accommodate his individuality. Dressing well is not about following the tides of fashion or adhering to outdated rules. It is a skill to help you through life challenges-from job interviews to special dates and to show you true self in any setting (Potter Gift, 2015).
Ties and bow ties are an accessory that exudes great class and sophistication. It represents pure uncaged creativity, a confident willingness to be different, and an uncompromising embrace of style in daily life. A bow tie can make you unleash the James Bond in you. Wearing a bow tie is always a strange choice. That does not make it a bad chance or the wrong choice, but it does make it a choice worth considering – twice.
One will be amazed by the power of a tie and bow tie. The perfect tie or bow tie will instantly transform an otherwise dull outfit to something that oozes confidence and quirkiness. Add a cummerbund to it to make it even more appealing. It can become a conversation piece or the centre of attention, which makes choices about pattern and shape more important. The tie or bow tie one chooses, will end up saying a lot about their personality and character (G. Clay Whittaker, 2017).
A necktie, or simply a tie, is a long piece of cloth, worn, usually by men, for decorative purposes around the neck, resting under the shirt collar and knotted at the throat. Variants include the ascot, bow, bolo, four-in-hand tie. The modern necktie, ascot, and bow tie are descended from the cravat. Neckties are generally unsized, but may be available in a longer size.
Ascot tie
The ascot (also called “plastron”) is a ribbon in fabric with large and pointed ends. The ascot is typically worn on the neck under the shirt with two upper buttons open. It is quite common to wear it during special events such as weddings and ceremonies.
Bow tie
Bow tie also called papillon is a ribbon in fine fabric knotted around the neck in a symmetrical manner, so the two opposite ends form two rings. Bow ties are quite widespread especially in events where it is necessary to be elegant such as business dinners, cocktail parties and business evenings.
Bolo /Bola tie
A bolo tie (sometimes bola tie or shoestring necktie) is a type of necktie consisting of a piece of cord or braided leather with decorative metal tips and secured with an ornamental clasp or slide.
Four-in-hand tie (Normal ties)
Long necktie that goes around the neck with one end looping over the other end twice, then being pulled through the loop making a slip knot.
Colors, materials and pattern make the tie
Certain colors are often associated with various moods and character traits. Yellow or gold ties often get referred to as a power tie, purple ties as regal and blue or red as patriotic – especially in America. Just think about the Ppresidential TV debate – when did you see someone wearing a burnt orange, plum or bottle green tie? Probably never. In fact, a good defense lawyer will always recommend that his client wear a blue tie because it invokes feelings of trust and honesty. This rule also applies to why many politicians and world leaders choose blue ties during public events.
For the more sophisticated tie wearer, more unusual colored ties are a desirable departure from the simple, bright colored neckwear that can be found anywhere. Wearing a tie, a dark shade of turquoise, rust or chartreuse underlines that they are different in a unique way – they don’t just follow the trends, they set their own tone.
Reasons to start wearing a Tie
Whichever fashion comes or goes, wearing a tie is something that will never be out of trend. Because the tie gives you classy look.
- Embellishes the shirt: A formal shirt beneath the suit have more chances of being plain. Wearing a patterned tie makes it look more attractive.
- Attracts respect: A tie is not just to make one’s neck and shirt more decorated. A tie holds the respect of the people towards the wearer. When someone sees someone in a tie, they cannot help but see how nice they look.
- Ancestors’ gift: Tie’s age is more than 300 years in mens’ fashion. The necktie was the first of its kind to become popular in Europe around 17th-18th Century. So, it is a great tribute to the ancestors when one chooses to wear a tie.
- 4. Looks great: Almost everybody admits that one of the prime reasons of wearing a tie is that ‘it looks great!’ With a perfectly stitched suit, pant, and shirt, nothing can be more decorative other than a tie.
- Gives confidence: When one knows that wearing a tie can attract these many advantages, one’s confidence automatically boosts. And this confidence helps in every aspect of life – whether a meeting or a date!
Some of the innovative neckties
Zip It Up
Finally, one can wear the one part of a hoodie that everyone loves, the zipper, and discard the rest! This tie is the perfect accessory. It is also quite time saving.
Duct tape: Is there anything it Can not do?
Added benefit: when this tie rips, one can patch it up, nobody will ever notice the difference
Keeps your beer cool, and your Style cooler
This is the ideal accessory for anyone who is ever had to say, “Hey, hold my beer. I have to file this expense report really quick.”
Just get a spare battery!
Think “going green” means you also have to lose all sense of style? Well, by the looks of this solar-powered tie, you’d be right. But hey, at least you can charge phones.
Hex tie
This new addition to the family is the trendy way to go today. Made of two rigid polymers with flexible fabric in between, the Hex tie is a chic solution to a man’s night out.
Bow Ties
The bow tie is a type of necktie. A modern bow tie is tied using a common shoelace knot, which is also called the bow knot for that reason. It consists of a ribbon of fabric tied around the collar of a shirt in a symmetrical manner so that the two opposite ends form loops.
There are generally three types of bow ties: the pre-tied, the clip on, and the self-tie. Pre-tied bow ties are ties in which the distinctive bow is sewn onto a band that goes around the neck and clips to secure. A clip-on does not go around the neck but clips to the collar points. The traditional bow tie, consisting of a strip of cloth which the wearer has to tie by hand, is also known as a “self-tie,” “tie-it-yourself,” or “freestyle” bow tie.
Reasons to wear a bow tie:
- People will remember the guy in the bow tie.
Men in bow ties not only distinct themselves from the rest of crowd but bow ties attract the eye to the face allowing people to remember the wearer. Not everyone is willing to take the risk of wearing a bow tie, but those who do are remembered.
- Bow ties will not get covered in sauce during your business lunch
Silk neckties are not washable; so if one gets them dirty you have to send them to the drycleaner, which may be expensive or it may ruin the fancy tie. It is way easier with a wooden bow tie –one may need just a tissue to wipe an accessory.
- Bow ties do not get in the way
Bow ties will not get caught in the office shredder, fridge or car door. They do not catch a gust of wind and blow up in your or friend’s face awkwardly.
- Chicks dig bow ties
Girls like guys with confidence. Pick the right bow tie that fits your face and combine it with the right outfit and she’ll be amazed. Women like when guys dress up well, so why not dress up nice more often?
- A bow tie proves you are creative
The ability to pair a bow tie with a shirt is an especially tricky feat. Doing it well shows the world that you have some creative perspective. Traditionally, the quirk and style of bow tie indicates that the man wearing one thinks outside of the box. He sticks out in the crowd.
Innovative bow ties by The Bow-Ho Guy
Though we live in a more casually dressed world than almost any generation before us, what we wear around our necks is still important. Indeed, as men have moved away from ties, those who choose to wear them set themselves apart even further. Perhaps the most important takeaway is that ties and bow ties are in fact excellent additions to your business attire, provided you know how to use them and what outfits to use them with. Understanding these basic principles can then help you proceed with mixing and matching respective outfit ideas with your ties and bow ties. It is also important to consider that it is likely you will not get the “perfect fit” on your first try, but further experimenting with ties and bow ties options can at least help you achieve that “perfect look” in no time.
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Department of Textile and Apparel Designing
SNDT Women’s Universtiy, Mumbai

Department of Textile and Apparel Designing
SNDT Women’s Universtiy, Mumbai