The Clothing Manufacturers Association of India – CMAI – wholeheartedly welcomes the decision that was taken at today’s GST Council’s meeting to defer the proposed increase of GST Rate from 5% to 12% on all items of Textiles and Garments. CMAI has been continuously raising its voice against the proposed increase especially on Garments, and especially at a time when the industry is reeling under one of the most severe cost increases in recent years and is just about struggling to emerge out of the effects of the Covid pandemic. Rajesh Masand, the President, said “During the last couple of months we have met and explained our viewpoints to almost all the Central and State Finance Ministers, and we are extremely grateful that they have accepted our concerns and decided to defer the proposed increase”. “Our grateful thanks in particular to the Union Minister of Finance, Smt. Nirmala Sitharamanji, for her understanding of the disastrous impact on the Industry, if this increase had come through, and supporting the decision to defer it in the Council Meeting today” he added. Rahul Mehta, Chief Mentor, and Past President thanked the Hon. Minister of Textiles Shri Piyush Goyal and the Minister of State for Textiles Smt. Darshanaben Jardosh, and the Textile Ministry, for their strong support for the cause of the Industry. “Without their support, this decision would not have been possible, and our sincere thanks to them”. President Masand also thanked the Trade Associations across the country who got the voice of lakhs of Manufacturers and Retailers to be heard by the Government. However, CMAI has cautioned that the decision to increase the Rates has only been postponed to the next Council Meeting, and reiterated their resolve to continue partnering with the Government on all issues such that win-win solutions emerge on all issues faced by the Industry.
Apparel, Fashion & Retail

Published: January 3, 2022
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