
University Marketing Idea Competition organized by CLEAN RECYCLING INITIATIVE

Published: January 12, 2022

CLEAN RECYCLING INITIATIVE™ launches McGill University Marketing Idea Competition on the subject of ENVIRONMENT, more specifically the technology platforms of CLEAN RECYCLING INITIATIVE™.
Montreal, January 10, 2022:
Montreal, Canada-based non-profit organization, CLEAN RECYCLING INITIATIVE™ announced today that it launches a marketing idea competition in collaboration with McGill University. The competition is to facilitate fresh and innovative ideas of promoting the most sustainable technology platform in the global textile industry, named as CLEAN RECYCLING INITIATIVE™. The students of McGill will be challenged to come up with effective ways of delivering messages according to the following segments and target audience:
Segment 1: Educate the public with the issues created by textile wastes, in particular, where the wastes end up even when they are put in local blue bins, salvation army, etc., with the assumption they are recycled/reused. Target audience: Everyone around the globe, i.e., consumers of textile goods and creators of textile wastes.
Segment 2: Promote the technologies of CLEAN RECYCLING INITIATIVE™ within the global textile industry for cleanly recycling process-wastes from textile factories. Target audience: Brands, Manufacturers, Retailers, Distributors, and Transporters of any textile goods “We are excited to announce the competition with the internationally renowned McGill University! All McGill students interested in the environment and participating in the competition will learn about significant issues and challenges arising from textile wastes through the educational content provided by CLEAN RECYCLING INITIATIVE™. I am confident to say that the students will gain some new perspectives about our environment from the information, we will present to them and may come up with great ideas to promote the messages we intend to propagate”, said Sae Chang,
“We are trying to make this event with engagement from the public by allowing our social media followers to vote for the winners! It will be a fun and educational event for the global audience interested in saving our precious environment!”.
The winners of the competition will be awarded $2,000 for the first, $1,000 for the second and $500 for the third place.

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