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Weavers in Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh, turn to daily wagers

Published: July 1, 2021
Author: Manali bhanushali

Due to the lockdown and partial curfew implemented to contain the spread of the second wave of Covid-19, the majority of powerloom weavers in Yogi Mallavaram hamlet in Chittoor district have lost their jobs. More than 100 weaver families live in the area and rely on powerlooms for their livelihood.

Vedachalam, a weaver, described their predicament, saying, “In the last 18 months, we scarcely worked on powerlooms for two months.” Because of the government’s travel restrictions to control the spread of Covid, traders have ceased supplying yarn, forcing us to close the looms.” Because there is no employment on the looms, the majority of weavers in the community have taken on menial jobs to make ends meet. I’m 53 years old.

Another powerloom weaver, Ramu, has begun employment as a construction worker. “To make ends meet, most of us have turned daily wagers. Several weavers in the village have taken out loans against their gold and other valuables in order to keep their families afloat throughout the pandemic. The lockdown has been a major setback for us,” said the 35-year-old weaver.

More than 100 households in the village used to weave textile on powerlooms, employing roughly 300 people before the epidemic. Yogi Mallavaram used to be a hive of activity, with yarn suppliers and fabric sellers travelling from all across Tamil Nadu and other parts of the state to visit the village.

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