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Technology to help protect Lives & Assets – Tyco, Integrated Fire and Security Solutions Provider for the Textile Industry.

Published: June 11, 2015

Divyendu Pundhir, President – India & Middle East

TVC : TYCO is providing solution for Fire and Security across world. What are the core beliefs and the vision of the company?

DP : Tyco is a global organisation which provides Fire, Security and Life Safety solutions across industries, verticals and countries. Tyco is committed to Helping Protect People, Property and Businesses. Tyco is dedicated to advancing fire safety and security by finding innovative ways to save lives, improve businesses and protect people where they live and work.

TVC : How is the journey of TYCO till now in India in other industries apart from Textiles?

DP : Tyco is present in India for more than 2 decades now. We have a strong presence in Aviation, Industrial & Manufacturing, Commercial Office, IT & ITes, Retail, Networking and technology spaces, Pharma and Healthcare segments among others. We have been associated with many of the countries prestigious projects in Infrastructure segments. Many of the leading retailers are our customers and leading lights of other industries believe in Tyco’s products and solutions.

TVC : How’s journey till now in Textile, Apparel & Retail industry?

DP : Tyco has been a market leader in addressing retail  and fashion industry’s security solutions. 80% of world’s top 200 retailers rely on our Sensormatic Branded Asset Protection(EAS) solutions. Tyco offers a full suite of Fire Detection and Protection solutions apart from Video Management, Access Control, RFID, Traffic Intelligence and Store Performance solutions. Our solutions help the industry from the source to finished goods till their offerings reach the  customer

TVC : In India, this industry more dominated by SME’s, do they prefer fire and security products as they operate in low margins and high competition. Is it worth the expense incurred in expensive Fire & Security Solutions

DP : Irrespective of the size of the organisation a very common concern facing the employers are the safety of their employees and their assets. Concerns like fire, burglary, retail shrinkage, information inaccuracy directly impact the health of any growing business. Tyco has the experience and expertise of offering customised solutions for SME or a large multi chain retailer of any segment.

TVC : For Textile Industry, export is the main earnings;many global players prefer the products to the source tagged for their retail customers. Describe more about, Source tagging market in India in particular and subcontinent in general.

DP: India is a preferred and growing export nation for many brands since years. Textile exports are set to touch $ 50-billion mark in the current fiscal. Many of our EAS customers mandate the application of Anti-theft& RFID tags and labels at manufacturing. This process of tagging at source of manufacturing is broadly termed ”Source tagging”. Today, source tagging is a key initiative of global retailers in order to save cost and valuable time. By practising source tagging, the merchandise arrives shelf ready. Though Indian retail industry is slow in picking up new initiatives, we are confident of active source tagging implementation in the very near future. India being a strategic location also has started market coverage in the subcontinent. Today, we are expanding our business in countries like Srilanka and Bangladesh actively and would like to grow stronger in the days to come.

TVC : How TYCO is different from other solution providers in Indian & Subcontinent markets(competitors)? USP? Product Differentiation/ Innovation

DP:Tyco is a long standing and strong player of global presence in the security industry. Tyco is the world’s leader in Fire & Security Industry. In India, Tyco has the distinction of addressing multiple market verticals with its world class product offerings and solutions. Tyco products and solutions are installed across countries, industries and locations. Tyco also offers customised service to our customers across locations. With 10 offices and 350+ locations Pan India, we are closer to our customers in helping them protect their lives and assets.

TVC :What is your promotional strategy to in the Indian Textile Market?

DP: Tyco has been very active player and a market leader in Indian domestic retail market. We would like to bring the similar brand and service presence into the textile market. We have taken good initiatives by participating in events of textile related industry in the last two years. Our participation in Tex India show has been a great experience. We will aggressively pursue our marketing activities by event participations and media presence in the future days too.

TVC : How does Tyco view the Textile Manufacturing sector 5 years down the line and how would you work with the manufactures to make the place safer for their employees

DP: Indian apparel industry is expected to touch USD 221 billion by 2020 as per a report by Technopak. This means an exponential increase in the manufacturing, warehousing and retail space capacities. Tyco has the world class solution offerings and planned skilled manpower to meet industry requirements. We actively promote the use of technology to save lives and assets of our customers.

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