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CareEdge Ratings unveils its Sovereign Rating Methodology for Public Consultation

Published: January 31, 2024

Invites stakeholders to provide feedback on methodology 

Mumbai, 30 January 2024: CareEdge Ratings today unveiled its detailed Sovereign Rating  Methodology, which will be used to assess the credit profile of sovereign debt issuers on a global rating  scale. A sovereign rating is an assessment of the sovereign’s ability and willingness to service its debt  in full and in a timely manner. 

Speaking on the occasion, Mehul Pandya, MD and CEO, CareEdge Ratings, said, “This is an  important step in our journey towards evolving into a global knowledge-based organisation. The ratings  assigned using our methodology, in the future, will aid the investors and enhance the diversity of  opinions in the market. The understanding of global markets so gained will enable CareEdge Ratings in  incorporating such trends in our domestic ratings as well.” 

“The Sovereign Rating methodology has been devised post in depth research and deliberations. It also  incorporates CareEdge Ratings’ experience and understanding of the credit ratings domain. The  methodology is robust and does not differentiate in the treatment of developed and emerging  economies on any parameter by applying consistent thresholds across countries. In line with the best  global practices, we are seeking feedback from market stakeholders to further enhance our  methodology.” adds Mr. Pandya. 

CareEdge Sovereign Ratings methodology involves analysis under five broad pillars to determine a  sovereign’s creditworthiness. These pillars are Economic Structure & Resilience (25% weightage), Fiscal  Strength (25% weightage), External Position & Linkages (16.67% weightage), Monetary & Financial  Stability (16.67% weightage), and Institutions & Quality of Governance (16.67% weightage). The  assessment of each of these pillars is based on the consideration of historical, current as well as  expected future trends. 

Explaining the weightage given to five pillars, Rajani Sinha, Chief Economist, CareEdge Ratings  said, “The two pillars of Economic Structure & Resilience and Fiscal Strength carry relatively more  weight, in the methodology. This is because Economic Structure & Resilience is the foundation of any  economy and indicates its ability to grow sustainably and absorb potential shocks. Further, Fiscal  Strength reflects the government’s financial discipline, and has a direct bearing on the quantum of  sovereign debt. Further, the assessment of these two pillars is relatively more quantitative compared  to others”. 

The assessment of the five pillars is based on a set of primary and secondary factors, using a mix of  quantitative and qualitative indicators. Primary factors are assessed largely based on quantitative  indicators, while secondary factors are country specific nuances that bring a qualitative overlay and  analytical comprehensiveness. 

We welcome any feedback or suggestions on the methodology. You may provide it till Friday, February  16, 2024 to Kiran Kavala ([email protected]) and Akanksha Bhende  ([email protected]). We would subsequently publish the final methodology post the  feedback.


CARE Ratings Limited is currently licensed to offer ratings on scale as specified in SEBI regulations to  corporates/other entities in India. As of date, the agency does not have the license to offer a sovereign rating  product in different geographies. The agency may explore creation of an appropriate structure in future and might  decide to approach relevant regulatory authorities for approvals to launch Sovereign Rating product in due course.  Currently, there are no commercial aspects related to the launch of the said risk assessment methodology. 

About CareEdge Ratings 

CareEdge is a knowledge-based analytical group offering services in Credit Ratings, Analytics, Consulting and  Sustainability. Established in 1993, the parent company CARE Ratings Ltd (CareEdge Ratings) is India’s second largest rating agency, with a credible track record of rating companies across diverse sectors and holding leadership  positions in high-growth sectors such as BFSI and Infra. The wholly-owned subsidiaries of CareEdge Ratings are  (I) CARE Analytics & Advisory Private Ltd previously known as CARE Risk Solutions Pvt Ltd, and (II) CARE ESG  Ratings Ltd, previously known as CARE Advisory Research and Training Ltd. CareEdge Ratings’ other international  subsidiary entities include CARE Ratings Africa (Private) Limited in Mauritius, CARE Ratings South Africa (Pvt) Ltd,  and CARE Ratings Nepal Limited.


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