Event Update | Textile machinery

Apna Organics will display products at ITMA with the theme “Chemistries for a Better Tomorrow”

Published: May 8, 2023

Leading producer of speciality chemicals for the paper, textile, construction, and water treatment industries is Apna Organics. The business is prepared to exhibit its textile industry solutions at the upcoming ITMA Milan 2023 trade event. When describing the significance of ITMA in an exclusive interview, Santosh Saraf, Director of Apna Organics, said: “ITMA has been an integral part of our textile industry as it is the biggest event that allows the entire industry to come together under one roof to learn, share their knowledge, and experience over the last four years.”
“For more than 20 years, Apna Organics has attended ITMA as both an exhibitor and a guest. This type of platform enables producers of speciality chemicals like us to interact

with all of our clients under one roof, from all over the world. Everyone’s concern following the epidemic is effective, environmentally friendly production that lowers prices overall. Being the largest family-run company in our industry, we excel at this. Although it may sound cliche, sustainability is ingrained in our DNA, as each generation passes the baton of responsibility to the one after it while making sure that it receives the same resources, he continued.

Worldwide Footprint
Santosh Saraf claims that the company currently exports to 26 different nations. “We have offices of our own in four of these nations, and our local staff will represent our company in these areas. We support the ‘glocal’ strategy. i.e., a global outlook and a local working style,” he said. In-depth information about the exhibits the company would present at ITMA 2023 was provided by Saraf, who said: “Our theme for ITMA 2023 is ‘Chemistries for a Better Tomorrow’. The emphasis will be on how our clients may leverage our experience and knowledge to boost their own productivity and save their operating expenses while still being able to meet their objectives for sustainable development.

Competitive Benefit
Lastly, elaborating on the salient factors that provide the company’s products a competitive edge Santosh Saraf stated: “We never advise a consumer to think about our goods or services without first getting to know their own needs. We are dedicated to giving consumers the assistance they need without meeting a need. Because of informational gaps or because a certain technology wasn’t the best fit for them, we have observed that many clients are unable to fully utilise the technologies that are currently available.

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