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Skill Upgradation Training to 23,368 Handloom Weavers

Published: December 11, 2021
Author: Manali bhanushali

Skill up-gradation of handloom weavers is conducted under scheme for Capacity Building in Textile Sector (SAMARTH) since 2020-21. Earlier Skill up-gradation of handloom weavers in technical areas viz. weaving, dyeing, designing etc. was conducted under National Handloom Development Programme and Comprehensive Handloom Cluster Development Scheme. A State-wise details of handloom weavers undergone skill up-gradation during last three years from 2018-19 to 2020-21 is annexed.

The performance of schematic interventions, including skill up-gradation has been evaluated by independent third-party agencies and the study shows that these interventions have led to an increase in the earnings and the number of working days of the weavers.

State-wise details of handloom weavers undergone skill upgradation during last three years from 2018-19 to 2020-21
S. No. State/UT Number of handloom weavers undergone skill upgradation during last three years from 2018-19 to 2020-21
1 Andhra Pradesh 2535
2 Arunachal Pradesh 700
4 Assam 8198
5 Bihar 800
6 Chhattisgarh 226
8 Gujarat 247
9 Himachal Pradesh 518
10 Haryana 60
11 Jammu & Kashmir (including Ladakh) 549
12 Jharkhand 220
13 Karnataka 705
14 Kerala 620
15 Madhya Pradesh 111
16 Maharashtra 406
17 Manipur 241
18 Mizoram 500
19 Nagaland 391
20 Odisha 1194
21 Punjab 59
22 Rajasthan 99
23 Tamil Nadu 2000
24 Telangana 120
25 Tripura 151
26 Uttar Pradesh 2171
27 Uttarakhand 136
28 West Bengal 411
  Total 23,368

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