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Published: October 19, 2021
Author: Manali bhanushali

A rural Ranau primary school has gained international attention for its novel face mask concept by winning virtual competitions.
Since May 31 of this year, the SK Kirokot team, represented by Areha Heavenea Azri, 11, and Jetty Lorrend, 12, has won three gold medals out of seven innovation virtual events.
They won first place while representing Malaysia in the World Youth Invention and Innovation Award sponsored by Indonesia (Aug 19), the Organization for Creativity, Innovation, and Invention Promotion competition hosted by Nigeria (Sept 3), and the Virtual Innovation Competition hosted by Malaysia (Sept 20). In addition, they earned two bronze medals and two silver medals in the other tournaments in which they competed.
The team was supervised by teacher Hallsen Justin, who said they came up with the concept of recycling plastic bottles as the frame for the face mask to be used with fabric to reduce Covid-19 pandemic-related waste. “This is to replace disposable face masks,” Hallsen said. “This washable and reusable concept is also cost-effective in the long run.”
Majus Munsing, the education officer for Ranau, praised the institution for bringing pride to the district. “Both girls did well in presenting their project in English as well.” We are delighted that such a new educational norm did not deter SK Kirokot from continuing to succeed.
“I hope this inspires other schools, not only in Ranau, but around the country,” Munsing said.

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