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Promotion of Handlooms and Handicraft

Published: February 13, 2021
Author: Manali bhanushali

It is the endeavor of the Government to encourage handlooms and handicrafts in the country, including the State of Tamil Nadu.  The Ministry of Textiles is implementing the following schemes to develop and promote these Sectors across the country: –

Schemes for Handloom Sector:

National Handloom Development Programme (NHDP)

  1. Block Level Clusters
  2. Handloom Marketing Assistance
  3. Weavers’ MUDRA Scheme

Comprehensive Handloom Cluster Development Scheme (CHCDS)

  1. Mega Clusters
  2. Block Level Clusters

Handloom Weavers’ Comprehensive Welfare Scheme (HWCWS)

  1. Converged Mahatma Gandhi BunkarBima Yojana (MGBBY)
  2. Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY)
  3. Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY)
  4. Yarn Supply Scheme (YSS)

Under the above schemes, financial assistance is provided for raw materials, purchase of looms and accessories, design innovation, product diversification, infrastructure development, skill upgradation, lighting units, marketing of handloom products and loan at concessional rates.

Schemes for Handicraft Sector:

  1. The National Handicraft Development Programme (NHDP) has following components:
  2. Base Line Survey & Mobilization of Artisans under Ambedkar Hastshilp    Vikas Yojana
  3. Design & Technology Up gradation,
  4. Human Resource Development
  5. Direct Benefit to Artisans,
  6. Infrastructure and Technology Support,
  7. Research and Development,
  8. Marketing Support & Services.
  9. The Comprehensive Handicraft Development Scheme (CHCDS) has following components
  1. Mega Cluster
  2. Special projects under Integrated Development and Promotion of Handicraft


All the above Schemes are Central Sector Schemes.  Budgetary allocation of funds is not made State/UT-wise.  Funds are released directly to the eligible handloom agencies/weavers and artisans on receipt of viable proposals, duly recommended by the State functionaries.  Subsequent instalment of funds is released to them on receipt of utilization of previous funds and physical and financial report etc.  The details of total funds allocated, released under Handloom & Handicraft Schemes in last three years and the current year (2017-18 to 2020-21 as on 31-01-2021) is as under:

SN Description Funds allocated in last 3 years & current year

(Rs. In Crore

Funds released in last 3 years & current year

(Rs. In crore)

1 Funds for Handloom Schemes Rs. 1461.18 Rs. 1167.38
2 Funds for Handicraft Schemes Rs. 669.48 Rs. 472.82

The recent third-party evaluation study of handloom and handicraft schemes conducted through independent agencies has revealed that average earning of weavers/artisans per month has increased, average number of working days has increased and average yarn consumption per weaver per day has also increased.

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