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Spurt orders for industrial gloves being witnessed by India

Published: July 25, 2020
Author: moosa.nayeem

Kolkata: India is witnessing a spurt in orders for industrial leather gloves from across the world, especially from mining companies, with a gradual resumption of economic activities after the lockdown forced by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Mining has been declared an essential activity across South America, Canada, South Africa and most other regions owing to the economic reliance on the industry.

“There is a surge in orders for industrial leather gloves from global markets. Due to lockdown, foreign buyers could not import these gloves. Now they are buying in good volumes. The demand is up 20% compared to that last July,” said Ramesh Juneja, regional chairman of Council of Leather Exports.

The majority of industrial leather gloves are produced in Kolkata and the rest in Chennai, he said.
Industrial leather gloves are produced from the hides of cow and buffalo that are imported from Brazil. “There is no problem in getting raw materials. We can also use hides of Indian cows and buffaloes that die naturally,” said Juneja.


Ghosal, S. (2020, July 16). India witnesses spurt in orders for industrial leather gloves from across the world. Retrieved July 25, 2020, from https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/company/corporate-trends/india-witnesses-spurt-in-orders-for-industrial-leather-gloves-from-across-the-world/articleshow/77000342.cms

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