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Modern Textile Education & Training

Published: August 10, 2024

By *B.Basu, **Harshal Ramteke.

* Former G.M. (RIL), Researcher and Educationist, Mumbai

** Faculty member, Sasmira, Worli. Mumbai.


Modern textile education and training means coming out from the old and traditional education system with the imposition of maximum practical training with the introduction of the latest technology and machinery. The educational institutes must be well equipped rather than have the old machinery museum in shabby condition. If the Institutions are not well equipped or cannot afford it, they must have an MOU with the Industries to train the present students. There is no place for the lethargic and timid students who must adopt the modern system vigorously for their bright future. It should be in the mind of each Educational Organisation, faculties, and students that it is just not to acquire a ‘Gate Pass Certificate’ to enter an Industry to earn Bread & Butter but also to have the confidence built with enhancing positive attitudes, character build which are very much essential in today’s growing societies. The Textile Industry is the second largest employer with various patterns of equipment, the Textile Education system should be able to cover almost all in small or in big ways with that of the machinery. Today, the teacher`s selection should be in the right direction i.e. Right man for the right Subject with the right output. Our system needs dedicated versatile teachers with deep theoretical and practical knowledge, and it is the duty of the Organisation to retain the valuable brain. In the long run, the performances of the teachers should be a priority over that of his/her percentage of marks in school/college days.  To create interest among the students is also an essential part of the educational organization.  This paper discusses all the possible factors to consider in developing a textile education system using modern methods.

[1] Introduction

Swami Vivekananda said,” The aim of every education system should be to make a man perfect by which he/she should be able to earn his/her bread and butter.” On the other hand, Obama (Ex-President of the USA) said, “Education is not the name of any degree or certificate that can be shown to others as proof. Education is another name for our attitudes, actions, language, and behavior with others in real life.”

Education is the transmission of values and the accumulated knowledge of a subject or technology in a particular area. Students become experts in serving industries and standing on their feet. They will learn about culture, discipline, maturity, powers of reasoning and judgment, and behaviors, and they will enhance their positivity. As society becomes increasingly competitive and complicated, Education should also act as a guide for upcoming students. 

Education should combine academic and vocational preparation for the students to learn applied science and modern technology. This curriculum helps understand the fundamentals of working systems, including their design aspects and manufacturing methods. The students should also know IoT and data science.  A Textile Engineer must be aware of Robotic systems that are emerging in the industries. The education system should be career-focused. 

[2] Background 

With the growing industrialization, Automation, modernization, and inclusion of Artificial Intelligence and robotic systems, our Textile Education System should also be tuned accordingly. Otherwise, there will be slower progress. Today, Textile Education is not only limited to clothes for wearing but has also become a vast body of knowledge. It is linked with any industry, such as mechanical, electrical, civil, instrument, I.T., CSE, etc. Now is the time to reintroduce the mode of Education with the implementation of enhanced Practical Classes and industrial training mixed with theoretical. We must have more and more faculties to uplift the students’ latest knowledge and behavior aspects and not keep them dumb. On the other hand, the students must come forward with the learning attitudes rather than be a simple backbencher.   We must have a large-scale MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) with the industries that should support our Textile Students for vocational and- plant training. If necessary, our education Department must offer financial support to needy students during Training so that they feel interested. 

[3] Objectives: The present scenario of the Textile Industries is the quick introduction of ‘Industry – 4’ with the advent of ‘Industry- 5 ‘ with robotics Management’. Our students must acquire the knowledge of the same. Our whole motto should prepare the students ‘ready to take the challenge’ with value addition in the present updated Technologies which are the need of the present and progressive Industries with modern and professional Management. 

[4] About the Textile Industries

The contribution of the Textile Industries to today’s economy w.r.t. GDP and that of Exports are at the top level, i.e., about 2.3% of India’s GDP, or 13% of industry output in terms of value, comes from the domestic garment and textile sector. 12% share in Textile Export, CAGR -7.6%. (1). The Textile Industry is the 2nd highest employer in direct and indirect ways. Today, it is growing at an accelerated speed with limitless scope not only in Handloom or Power loom, but also reached the most advanced technology in Spinning, Weaving, Wet Processing, Fabric Design, Development, Medical Textiles, Technical Textiles, Smart Textiles, Braiding Technology, and so on. In the Polyester/Nylon Sectors, the Growth is remarkable with the production of varieties of POY, DTY, FDY, IDY, micro and super micro yarns, and biodegradable yarns that can be used as alternatives to Natural Fibers. IoT (Internet of Things) and micro-processing technologies are used. It is the stage where Industry 4.0, and 5.0 will soon be approaching. In the field of Energy conservation and recycling processes, Industries in India are leading. The textile industry is connected to all the engineering and technology fields, i.e., mechanical, electrical, civil, chemical, instrument, electronic, metallurgy, painting technology, and so on. Textile engineers should have a better understanding of these to be geared for the future. 

In Modern Textile Education, much emphasis is placed on the ‘Zero Waste’ concept through recycling, energy savings, and sustainability in the environment. Nanotechnology is another aspect of textile industries that creates more scientific clothing like fire and water-repellent items. The Modern Textile Industries mainly emphasize high-quality fabric production with a modern system of quality control and the modern Textile Education System must adhere to these prospects. 

[5] About Textile Degree Colleges

As of today, there are approximately one hundred sixty textile degree colleges in India, including textile technology, fashion technology, design, chemical processing, polymer science and technology, garment technology, and entrepreneurship. Different colleges have different courses and syllabi. Massive Training is needed for the students from the first semester to the eighth semester in the basics and the latest technology. Today, Training patterns and modes differ from college to college. It depends on the location of the colleges, Infrastructure within and outside the Institutions, Industrial and Practical experiences of teachers, positive attitudes, Industry and Institution relationships, Alumni Contributions, and the recruitment policies of the Institutions so that more right teachers can be absorbed in the right places. On the other hand, the students’ attitude toward shortcuts, and unwillingness to go to faraway places, especially the women, due to low family income, and safety concerns. Government funds should be made available for deserving and needy students (2). 

Finance should be allotted for their new innovative Ideas (although a few colleges have Innovation and Incubation Centres). Experts’ suggestions should be accepted with a positive attitude. The high employment list should not be the only barometer to gauge the College’s Technical Performance as it varies from year to year. Now let us understand the responsibilities of the Teaching staff in the Degree Engineering Colleges. 

[6] The Teachers’ Skills and Qualities

Teachers are not superhuman, but they should act like teachers to teach and to get taught. Here are some points added. 

  • They should have optimistic ideas about the future of the learners. 
  • They should be aware of the ever-changing trends and needs in Education Technology. 
  • They should know about the career opportunities for the students. 
  • Their vision should be far-sighted.
  • The teacher should connect with all the stakeholders of the learning institutions for the students’ benefit.
  • Teachers must have the capacity to adapt without being frustrated. 
  • They must have an open mind to accept their faults.
  • Must have the capacity to teach the students how to reach their goals. 
  • They must be able to accommodate various learning modes and adopt newer technologies. 
  • They must be able to gain confidence among the students and the teachers. 
  • A confident teacher will be ideal for other teachers to be confident. 
  • A confident teacher influences students’ attitudes, socio-emotional growth, and achievements. 
  • Teaching is a continuous learning and let learning process with a changing scenario in the world. 
  • The more you learn, the more you gain, and you will be more successful. 
  • All the gains can be through online learning, research, Industrial tours, attending workshops and seminars, and inviting expert lecturers. 
  •  A natural teacher should have innovative ideas, too. To be more innovative, let the students be taught about innovations. Create an innovative culture among the students by leading them to industries, other Textile Research Institutes, etc. Be updated with the latest Journals, too. 
  • Teachers must be able to inspire students to be critical thinkers, innovators, passionate, and adaptable. They must have a problem-solving attitude. 
  • Teachers must know how to change the topic from a monotonous curriculum to an interesting stage. Students must take an interest in the subjects. The subjects can be connected from the theoretical to the practical mode. Only bookish knowledge will not create a good student. The subjects taught are to be converted into a cherished stage. 
  • Encouragement at every stage rather than discouraging the students is the responsibility of the teachers. 
  • The teachers must not behave frivolously (3)

[7] The modern syllabus

In the ever-changing K-12 education system (K-12 Education is the foundation for a student’s academic career. It provides the basic knowledge and skills necessary for success, both in college and the workplace), various changes are being made to the student’s learning and the teacher’s role with skills. The trend is to prepare students for personal and professional success. 

Textile education must be linked with industries in such a way that before entering any organization, they should have specialization in one particular subject apart from other general syllabuses and courses. They will climb in that field by adding their values, which would benefit the industries and allow unlimited career growth. Hence, the teachers must have the following qualities. 

  • Technical/textile education is about moving away from the traditional classroom system, incorporating artificial intelligence, and developing skills for the digital age. 
  • These updated Technologies attempt to increase students’ attachments to the developing Zone, improve instructional processes, and prepare them for the fast-changing environment. 
  • From the traditional classroom system to competing-based Education, the future of learning should focus on each student’s abilities and objectives. 
  • Performance learning can vary from student to student and be regularized based on the student’s strengths and learning skills.  
  • By implementing the sophisticated education system, Artificial intelligence can be incorporated. 
  • Social learning should be promoted to promote teamwork and communication skills. Social learning enables students to collaborate outside the classroom by sharing knowledge, discussing ideas, and working on projects in a positive environment. Occasionally, group discussions and a general knowledge-sharing system should be implemented. 
  • An interactive learning platform should engage the student’s motivation factors by making the learning more enjoyable and impactful. This allows the students to grasp complicated concepts better. 
  • The blended learning model mixes traditional face-to-face instructions and online learning activities.
  • A system of emotional and social development should be present in addition to intellectual performances. This will develop self-awareness, empathy, and interpersonal skills (3)

[8] Stakeholder 

Fig. 1 Stakeholder (4)

Fig. 1 shows that there are stakeholders for any teaching Organization, both internally and externally, who will lead the organisation. 

[9] The Student’s Attitude and Expectations in this Age of Modern Textile Education.

Today, the attitudes of students are drastically changing. They want quick and instant results. Evasive nature, avoiding classes, bunking, and copy-pasting of any project work are found randomly, especially among some of the average and mediocre students, and the colleges need to be up to the standard. The reasons are attributed to their family background, the failure of the teachers to convince them, and the recruitment of the faculties needing higher or having no industrial exposure. 

Nowadays, all the colleges are arranging Training and placements for the students to upgrade their standard of National status to par with modern Technologies. Although it has become mandatory nowadays the students are choosy about the brand name of the Organisation, place, and location during Training. They feel that they oblige the college by adopting In-Plant Training. A similar situation is in the case of recruitment, where salary and perks are the prime choices without considering their knowledge, background, and capacity. The college management may consider the choice of factory and geographical location (if the students can afford it) during Training and placements for students’ convenience and to create interest. 

It is heartening to see the lack of positive attitudes among the new generation. They should pay respect to their superiors, to the helping persons, should express their gratitude and to be grateful to the colleges and teachers who taught them to become so famous in their student’s life to the Top position. They must have good listening capacity, resilience power, be courageous even though not supported properly, and have an open mind with good patience and determination. 

Fig. 2 The resilience factors.

Source: (2)

[10] More freedom for the students

Training is occasionally given from the middle school standard. Training is also given to the students to upgrade their mental ability. They must be aware that nothing can be achieved by any shortcut method. Pure dedication and sincerity at every stage would lead the students to the heights of their success. Career Counseling for students is to be conducted regularly. The authors feel that (i) industrial training must be mandatory from the 1st year onwards as textiles as a subject is vast. Financial support can also be provided subject to their neediness with proof in case of any difficulties. (ii) With industrial training, industrial languages can also be translated, such as Shuttle, which is known as “data,” Pirn, which is known as “Kandi,” etc. It will be easier for them to handle the floor-level workers when they have entered the industries. (iii) In some places, practical knowledge can be more important than theoretical knowledge. They should be trained enough to drive a loom, thread a Texturisation machine, etc. (iv) The students must have the freedom to have a direct touch with the Industrial people, take their advice, and even have the freedom to conduct experiments and publish the paper. (v) There should be unbiased judgments of the students from the faculty members rather than making them a bug.  Freedom of work should be encouraged. Teacher means to guide, guru, and not terror. (vi) The students should be given complete freedom to repair the machines on their own in the colleges, rather than just become observers as repaired by the instructor. (vii) Data Analysis related to the costing, Cost control Management, Textile market, and strategies should be taught to them. (ix) The etiquette, mannerisms, and mode of communication are to be taught from time to time from school life itself, which is found highly missing among most of the students in rural areas. (x) Some self-defense techniques are to be taught to female students, which makes them more confident in their work life. 

[11] Conclusion 

The Industrial scenario and its requirements are fast changing as per global demand, and the syllabus and courses in Textile and Engineering colleges are to be modernized according to those needs. The textile industry is based on advanced technology, and with modernization, updating of syllabi is necessary. The Textile Engineering (degree or diploma) colleges must be more equipped with machinery and trained teachers. Practical and theoretical classes should run side by side. Industrial training can be started from the first year onwards, to cover all areas. The students must be familiar with industrial exposures, marketing strategies, sales promotions, etc., before entering the larger areas of the Future! The Textile Colleges must have experts, permanent, part-time, or full-time, to teach the students about the Industrial scenario and practical exposures. The students should feel free to consult with the Teachers and take their advice rather than think negatively about them.  Life skills training must be instilled in students right from school life itself. 

  • References

  1. Invest India, 2 April 24.>sector>textile-apparel
  2. Shiksha.>resilience-factors-affecting-re
  3. Weekly thoughts, By Dr Sajeev M.S. (Educationist) 
  4. Stakeholder “”
  5. Helpful, 83 best words to describe a student.
  6. 95E examples of student’s attitudes. John Spacey, Oct ’25, 2023.
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