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Lockdown-hit Ludhiana hosiery sector hopes for revival with ease in restrictions

Published: June 19, 2021
Author: Manali bhanushali
The hosiery and textile industries in Ludhiana are looking for a comeback as a result of the relaxation of Covid-19 limitations. The pandemic-induced lockdown over the previous month and a half has resulted in losses for the industry, since there has been little demand from distributors and few new orders have been placed. Manufacturers believe there is a good likelihood of a rebound since stores have been given additional hours.
The summer season in the hosiery business begins at the end of February and lasts until the end of September. The bulk of Ludhiana’s clothing manufacturing firms are in the unorganised sector, which is reliant on cash and credit. This, along with a labour scarcity in the previous month as migrants returned to their home countries, has delivered a serious blow to the sector.
According to Tarun Jain Bawa, president of the Bahadur Ke Textiles and Knitwear Association, the majority of the workers have already returned to the city. “Because this market had been closed for almost a month, we had no buyers from other areas of the nation to whom we catered. Almost 90% of our inventory has been sold “Iced up”.
According to the head of Ganga Acrowools, the industry experienced 30 percent losses as a result of the shutdown. Even though total sales were down, casual apparel was in high demand since most people stayed at home. “We sold a lot of pyjamas during the lockdown,” said Vinod Thapar, head of the Knitwear Club.

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