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UK PM unveils ‘conditional plan’ to reopen country

Published: May 18, 2020

recently unveiled a ‘conditional plan’ to reopen the country, allowing people to spend more time outdoors from May 13. People unable to work from home should return to workplace while avoiding public transport, he said. A new COVID Alert System with five levels will govern how quickly lockdown restrictions could be eased.

Hoping that the next step would be for some primary pupils to return to school, Johnson, in an address to the nation, said the stage would also involve reopening shops, which he cautioned would only happen if supported by science.

The next step after that—not earlier than July 1—could see some hospitality businesses and other public places reopen.

These steps formed part of a ‘first sketch of a road map for reopening society’, he was quoted as saying by British media reports.

The prime minister also confirmed that fines for the ‘small minority who break’ lockdown rules will rise.

Responding to the Johnson’s statement, the British Retail Consortium (BRC) said further clarity is needed in coming days and BRC looks forward to more details from the government.

“We need a plan for shopping as well as shops–this means a plan that allows safe navigation both to and through our retail centres–and we look forward to continuing to work closely with the government to support this process,” BRC chief executive Helen Dickinson said in a statement.

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