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The Class of 2020: what does the future hold for the fashion graduates of 2020?

Published: June 15, 2020

It would seem that a new dawn is being ushered in by the fashion industry.

As the first-ever virtual London Fashion Week continues in its venture to trail blaze a new way of showcasing burgeoning talent and creativity, there is a handful of shareholders in the industry who we ought to pay particular attention to; the fashion graduates.

The class of 2020 certainly won’t be graduating fashion school with the fervour and verve that previous years have. One key point of difference is that this year’s graduating class has been robbed of the opportunity to breathe life into their collections and thus take part in the physical act of a graduate fashion show.

Instead, the Class of 2020 from 13 different fashion colleges across the UK have been asked to share individual story packages, while the University of Westminster MA menswear graduates will be showing their full collections. The school’s BA graduates have also been challenged to show their collections too.

“Although we had to teach online for the last ten weeks, this has, if anything, spurred on our students’ creativity,” Professor Andrew Groves, Director of Fashion Education at Westminster, says. “I’ve been astonished by their resilience as the world has faced the global pandemic of coronavirus, but equally amazed by their creative response as they found new ways of using fashion to engage audiences around issues of identity, equality, and representation.”

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