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Small textile cluster starts in Bihar; workers happy to work in their hometown.

Published: September 29, 2020

Though at a small level, but migrant workers have starting becoming self-reliant by having their own manufacturing. One such initiative just started in Teghra of Begusarai (Bihar) where migrant workers, who came back to their hometown, have started manufacturing of products like masks, bags, etc., under textile cluster.

Similar cluster for bag manufacturing has started in the Ramzanpur region of the same district.

These initiatives have started across Bihar with a State Government-supported scheme called District Industrial Innovation Scheme.

Currently in Begusarai, 15 such migrant workers have started manufacturing of masks. Later more opportunities will be explored with the support of district administration.

Local officials believe that such initiatives will increase the employment opportunities for migrant workers in their hometown and also create industrial development in the state.

Workers are happy to get the work in their hometown and become entrepreneur. It is cost effective as well as comfortable for them to work in their state and live with family.

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