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Industry And Cluster | News & Insights

Scheme for Powerloom Sector

Published: February 15, 2021
Author: Manali bhanushali

The Government is implementing Group Workshed Scheme for Powerloom sector under PowerTex India with an aim to establish Group Worksheds for installation of modern looms in an existing or new cluster, which will provide required scale of economies for business operations and to organize powerloom units in a cluster and to provide improved working condition in terms of more space, work environment, improve the work efficiency to enhance their competitiveness in the global market.

Yes, Sir. The Government launched PowerTex India, a comprehensive scheme for Powerloom sector development with effect from 01.04.2017 to 31.03.2020 (further extended for 1 year upto 31.03.2021), modifying the old Group Workshed Scheme under Integrated Scheme for Powerloom Sector Schemes (ISPSD) which was in operation from 1.4.2012 to 31.03.2017.  Eligible beneficiaries under the modified scheme include weaver(s) and entrepreneur(s) associated with powerloom units, including master weaver(s), registered co-operative societies of powerloom weavers or any new entrepreneur(s) individually or in-group.

State-wise number of Powerloom Industry benefited under GWSS for the last three years is as under: –                                                                                                                      (Rs. in crore)

S.No State 2017-18 to 2019-20
Projects sanctioned units
1. Gujarat 99 633
2. Maharashtra 14 67
3. Tamil Nadu 01 04
4. Madhya Pradesh 01 06
  Total 115 710

The details of the amount released and spent by the Government under this scheme for the last three years is as under: –

S. No. Year Govt. of India share released and Spent (Rs. in Cr.) *
1 2017-18 21.53
2 2018-19 7.64
3 2019-20 25.97
Total 55.14

       * Including funds released to the completed and installments for ongoing projects.

In order to improve the conditions of Powerloom wavers and for holistic growth of Powerloom sector, the Government has launched PowerTex India, a comprehensive Scheme for Powerloom Sector Development w.e.f. 01.04.2017 to 31.03.2020 (further extended for 1 year upto 31.03.2021). The components of the scheme are (i) Insitu Upgradation of Plain Powerloom, (ii) Group Workshed Scheme, (iii) Yarn Bank, (iv) Common Facility Centre, (v) Solar Energy Scheme, (vi) Pradhan Mantri Credit Scheme, (vii) Tex Venture Fund, (viii) Grant-in-aid & modernization of Powerloom Service Centres and (xi) Facilitation and Information Technology.

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