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Industry And Cluster | News & Insights

Rs. 32.71 Lacs Sanctioned for Capacity Building in the District Darjeeling, Kalimpong and North Dinajpur

Published: July 28, 2021
Author: Manali bhanushali

Office of Development Commissioner (Handicrafts) implements various schemes for promotion and development of handicraft sectors and artisans through “National Handicraft Development Programme (NHDP)” and Comprehensive Handicrafts Cluster Development Scheme (CHCDS) to emphasize integrated approach for development of handicraft in a holistic manner and provide sustainable livelihood opportunities to the artisans. In addition, artisans also can connect and help each other in the various programmes of DC (Handicrafts) as common platform.

The NHDP has following components:

  1.  Base Line Survey & Mobilization of Artisans under AmbedkarHastshilpVikasYojana,
  2.  Design & Technology Up gradation,
  3.  Human Resource Development,
  4.  Direct Benefit to Artisans,
  5.  Infrastructure and Technology Support,
  6.  Research and Development,
  7.  Marketing Support & Services.

The CHCDS has following components:

  1.   Mega Cluster.
  2. Special projects under Integrated Development and Promotion of Handicraft (IDPH).

The details of the assistance extended to support and promote handicraft artisans is annexed at Annexure-I. Rs. 32.71 lacs have been sanctioned for capacity building in the district Darjeeling, Kalimpong and North Dinajpur and 319.08 lacs has also been sanctioned for providing marketing support to handicraft artisans from the state of West Bengal including the artisans from the said districts under NHDP schemes.


State- wise Assistance extended under NHDP & CHCDS schemes from 2015-16 to June 30, 2021

 (Rs. In Lakhs)

Sl no. States NHDP CHCDS Total
1 A & N Islands 279.91 279.91
2 Andhra Pradesh 2260.1 2838.31 5098.41
3 Arunachal Pradesh 367.81 367.81
4 Assam 4355.76 4355.76
5 Bihar 1446.33 1130.33 2576.66
6 Chandigarh 229.43 229.43
7 Chhattisgarh 1143.22 1143.22
8 Daman and Diu 8.5 8.5
9 Delhi 12832.05 12832.05
10 Goa 115.56 115.56
11 Gujarat 3361.3 308.33 3669.63
12 Haryana 1014.56 1014.56
13 Himachal Pradesh 2000.88 632.82 2633.7
14 Jammu and Kashmir 1405.42 3114.83 4520.25
15 Jharkhand 1114.79 1500.00 2614.79
16 Karnataka 923.05 173.49 1096.54
17 Kerala 984.92 909.00 1893.92
18 Ladakh 48.63 48.63
19 Madhya Pradesh 2137.6 1573.52 3711.12
20 Maharashtra 2681 2681
21 Manipur 1423.1 175.27 1598.37
22 Meghalaya 1574.64 1574.64
23 Mizoram 283.05 283.05
24 Nagaland 646.2 646.2
25 Odisha 1469.17 1469.17
26 Puducherry 1590.34 1590.34
27 Punjab 2138.27 2138.27
28 Rajasthan 1846.77 4048.29 5895.06
29 Sikkim 1575.42 1575.42
30 Tamil Nadu 846.61 1019.23 1865.84
31 Telangana 1873.99 675.37 2549.36
32 Tripura 472.75 472.75
33 Uttar Pradesh 6603.26 5161.77 11765.03
34 Uttarakhand 3714.63 1012.50 4727.13
35 West Bengal 1228.88 1228.88

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