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Procurements Under Public Procurement Policy

Published: July 26, 2019

The purchase preference for Local Content and Local Supplier, as envisaged in the Public Procurement Policy notification, is accorded through clause (i) of Rule 153 of General Financial Rules (GFR 2017)of Government of India for handloom items.Year-wise and State-wise details of procurement are at Annexure- “A”. A list of handloom items procured by Indian Railways and Ministry of Home affairs (Para-military Force) is at Annexure – “B”. Also, Ministry of Defence has not procured any handloom items during the above period.

Annexure – “A”

State-wise, year-wise list of suppliers, procurement agencies.
S.No. State Name of agency Value of handloom items supplied (Rupees in lakh)
2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
1 Assam Assam Apex Weavers & Artisan Coop Fed. Ltd. (ARTFED), Guwahati 700.42 961.87 339.78
Bodoland Regional Apex Weavers & Artisan Cooperative Federation Ltd., Kokrajhar 144.45 464.09 585.18
2 Bihar Bihar State Sheep & Wool Workers Coop Union Ltd., Patna 57.96 9.34 0
3 Gujarat Gujarat Rajya Handloom, Handicrafts &AudyogicSahkari Federation Ltd.(GUSICA), Ahmedabad 692.26 902.18 264.96
4 Himachal Pradesh Himachal Pradesh State Handicraft and Handloom Corp Ltd.,(HPHHC), Shimla 146.15 315.49 325.96
Himachal Pradesh State Handloom &
Handicrafts Cooperative Federation Ltd., Kullu
0.00 0.00 54.46
5 Jammu & Kashmir J & K State Handloom Development Corp Ltd., Jammu (J&KHDC), Jammu 496.67 815.63 551.59
6 Maharashtra All India Handloom Fabrics Marketing Cooperative Society Ltd. (Handloom House), Mumbai 964.93 842.53 195.09
Maharashtra State Handloom Coop Federation (Mahatex), Mumbai 105.00 1442.14 215.73
7 Nagaland Nagaland Handlooms & Handicrafts Development Corporation (NHHDC), Dimapur 122.42 107.91 126.99
8 Tamil Nadu All India Handloom Fabrics Marketing Cooperative Society Ltd. (Handloom House), Salem 444.69 531.74 109.5
Tamil Nadu Handloom Dev. Corpn (TNHDC), Chennai 1683.56 1935.78 1039.98
9 Uttar Pradesh All India Handloom Fabrics Marketing Cooperative Society Ltd. (Handloom House), Noida 143.63 444.64 21.4
HANDTEX Industrial Coop. Federation Ltd.,  Aligarh 65.64 211.74 38.04
U.P. Apex Export Coop. Marketing Association Ltd.,(U.P. Export),Kanpur 461.40 966.70 292.04
U.P. Apex Handloom Marketing and Development Cooperative Federation Ltd, Kanpur 8.41 70.84 0
U.P. Bunkar Apex Cooperative Society Ltd., Moradabad 102.52 233.71 126.45
U.P. Indl Coop. Association Ltd.(UPICA), Kanpur 637.42 577.95 321.07
U.P. State Handloom Corpn.(UPH), Kanpur 427.34 478.53 319.25
U.P. Textiles Production & Marketing Apex
Coop. Federation Ltd.,(UPTP&M), Kanpur
390.17 431.28 54.48
UP Handloom Textile Apex Marketing Cooperative Federation, Kanpur (U.P.Fed.),Kanpur 670.10 567.64 128.76
10 West Bengal All India Handloom Fabrics Marketing Cooperative Society Ltd. (Handloom House), Kolkata 0.00 34.94 0
West Bengal State Handicrafts Cooperative Society Ltd., Kolkata 122.91 306.44 59.13
West Bengal State Handloom Weavers Coop Society(Tantuja), Kolkata 1084.01 1912.21 789.51
Total 9672.06 14565.32 5959.35

Annexure –“B”

Details showing Handloom items supplied to different indenting departments and its value during the year 2017-18, 2018-19 and 2019-20 (upto 15.7.2019)
2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
Indentor Item Value (Rs. In lakhs) Value (Rs. In lakhs) Value (Rs. In lakhs)
Ministry of Home affairs

(Para-military Force)

Bed Durry 323.03 0 0
Railway Bed Sheet 7022.38 10818 4280.48
Railway Blanket 524.15 793.53 855.04
Railway Blanketing Cloth 16.24 0 0
Railway Pillow cover 828.79 1438.04 508.81
Railway Sponge cloth 74.86 24.26 11.28
Railway Towel 882.63 1491.52 303.74
Total 9672.08 14565.35 5959.35


This information was given by the Union Minister of Textiles, SmritiZubinIrani, in a written reply in the Rajya Sabha today.

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