While launching various development projects in Narayanpet on Saturday, KT Rama Rao, Minister for Industries, IT, Municipal Administration, and Urban Development, stressed that the State government is committed to the all-round development of the Narayanpet district, saying that very soon Narayanpet will get the next largest Textile park on similar lines with Sirisilla.
The IT and MAUD Minister stated that the welfare and development initiatives implemented by the State government over the last seven years have resulted in a sea shift in different sectors such as agriculture, infrastructure development, and improvement in people’s livelihoods in both rural and cities. He also stated that the state government will soon finish a Rs 29 crore fresh water delivery project to Narayanpet. Despite the fact that Narayana was the oldest municipality in the former Mahabubnagar district, the Minister stated that there had been minimal growth.