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Iran and Uzbekistan have signed a $5 million textile export deal

Published: July 14, 2021
Author: Manali bhanushali

A team led by the Deputy Mayor of the Uzbek Qashqadaryo Region is now in Iran to explore the growth of bilateral economic relations.

The trip is being planned by the Uzbek Embassy in Iran based on an agreement struck during the officials’ January 2021 visit to Qashqadaryo.

Members of the Uzbek delegation met with officials of North Industrial Marine Coating Co. in Mazandaran province and learned about the company’s operations in the northern Iranian region.
According to the agreement reached between the two parties, an Iranian delegation would visit Qashqadaryo in August 2021.
According to reports, 272 firms in Uzbekistan are utilising Iranian funding. The value of trade between the two nations in the last eight months of 2020 was $158 million.

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