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India produces 357 lakh bales of cotton in FY ’20, says Textile Ministry.

Published: October 2, 2020

Ministry of Textile, India has projected an official figure of the country’s cotton production and consumption, under newly formed committee, in FY ’20 and it seems India has seen diverse figures in different regions.

According to the data put by the Textile Ministry Committee, India produced 357 lakh bales of cotton in FY ’20 growing 2 per cent in the yield at 453.82 kg per hectare as compared to 444.74 kg in FY ’19.

It’s worth mentioning here that India abolished the Cotton Advisory Body (CAB) this August to support the country’s vision of ‘minimum government and maximum governance’.

Henceforth, new textile cotton committee was constituted which projected the country’s closing stock of cotton at 105.44 lakh bales for FY ’19, which is a result of massive plunge in the cotton consumption of mills and small scale enterprises.

The Committee also reported that there is a sharp growth in cotton yield in the state of Maharashtra with around 11 per cent surge at 337.60 kg per hectare compared to 304.30 kg per hectare last year.

On the other hand, the cotton yield has declined in North India region by around 14 per cent over the last year, while the same has grown in the southern part of India by about 15 per cent over last year.

If Textile Ministry data is anything to go by, India’s cotton cultivation for FY ’20 is reported at 133.73 lakh hectares.

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