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Import of Silk

Published: July 20, 2019

The quantity of raw silk imported during last three years and current year 2019-20 (till May-19) is given below:

Year Raw silk import (Metric Tonne)
2016-17 3795
2017-18 3712
2018-19 2785
2019-20 (Till May-19) 521

At present, the basic customs duty of 10% & 20% is levied on raw silk and silk fabric import respectively.The Customs Duty imposed on import raw silk and silk fabric during the last three years is given below:


Item of Import Year Basic Customs Duty
Mulberry Raw Silk 2016-17 10%
2017-18 10%
2018-19 10%
Silk Fabrics 2016-17 10%
2017-18 10%
2018-19 20%

Central Silk Board, a statutory body under the Ministry of Textiles, Government of India is implementing a restructured Central Sector Scheme “Silk Samagra” for development of sericulture in the Country, which mainly focuses on improving quality and productivity of domestic silk thereby reducing the country’s dependence on imported silk.  Central Silk Boardhas taken following measures to improve the quality of silk being produced in the country.

Production of Bivoltine  Silk:Bivoltine silk is the high quality mulberry silk produced in India as an import substitute silk.  R&D has been focused to evolve productive bivoltine hybrids and package of practices for production of high quality bivoltine silk in the country.

Strengthening the Research & Development system to improve the levels of cocoon production and productivity to develop improved mulberry/host plant varieties, silkworm hybrids and technology packages.

Cold Storage facilities and Bivoltinegrainages have been strengthened to produce, store and supply quality Bivoltine silkworm seed.

For production of 3A-4A grade raw Silk from the bivoltine cocoons, Automatic Reeling Machines (ARM)/Units have been established in the country.

Chawki Rearing Centres (CRC) are being popularized to supply healthy and quality young silk worms to the farmers.

North East Region Textile Promotion Scheme (NERTPS): Under this scheme, 38 Sericulture projects are being implemented in all North Eastern States in the identified potential districts under three broad categories viz., Integrated Sericulture Development Project (ISDP) and Intensive Bivoltine Sericulture Development Project (IBSDP) andAspirational Districts.

This information was given by the Union Minister of Textiles, Smriti  Zubin Irani, in a written reply in the Lok Sabha today.

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