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Government reduced Hank Yarn packing obligation to 30%.

Published: March 11, 2019

Acceding to the request of Cotton Yarn Spinners, govt. has reduced obligation for packing of Cotton Yarn in Hank form from the present 40% to 30%. Originally, it was 50% which was reduced to 40% in the year 2003. The argument of the spinners is that during the past 15-20 years, number of hand looms has reduced considerably whereas the installed capacity and production of Cotton Yarn increased manifold. This has been corroborated by many committees and studies by private consultancy agencies. Educated new generation from handloom weavers are not inclined to take up the traditional family profession. There is a mismatch between demand and supply and spinners find it difficult to sell Hank Yarn due to low demand. Though the demand of the industry was to reduce the obligation to 10-20%, however, the reduction of 10% is a relief to the spinning industry.The notification in this regard issued by Textile Commissioner, Mumbai has already been forwarded to all members.

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