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Duty-Free Imports Of All Kinds Of Raw Materials Are Demanded By Apparel Manufacturers

Published: May 5, 2021
Author: Manali bhanushali
Apparel and textile manufacturers in the county have urged the government to allow duty-free imports of all raw materials, including various types of fibres used in the clothing industry.
Three exchange collections of the fare situated pieces of clothing and material area likewise mentioned the public authority to set 3% worth added charge for a wide range of yarns and to decrease the import obligation on the extras parts of capital apparatus to 1 percent in the following spending plan for the monetary year 2021-22.
Bangladesh Textile Mills Association, Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association and Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers and Exporters Association on Sunday set the expectations in a letter to fund serve AHM Mustafa Kamal.
Requesting an equivalent 3% rate for the VAT on a wide range of yarns, the exchange bodies said that the public authority ought to permit obligation free import of a wide range of strands as various kinds of filaments with cotton are utilized in the essential material area to create yarns.
Along with wing cotton, gooey staple fiber, polyester staple fiber, tencel, modular, spandex, and pineapple strands are utilized in the turning plants as crude materials however the obligation free import is pertinent just to cotton fiber, the letter said.
It additionally said that numerous other new variations of filaments would likewise be utilized in the coming days because of the purchasers’ necessities and the public authority ought to expand the obligation free import office for a wide range of strands.
The material area pioneers in their letter requested 1% import obligation on the extra parts which are utilized in turning, texture assembling and coloring, printing and completing factories.
The letter said that albeit the public authority permitted pieces of clothing and material area to import capital apparatus at 1% obligation yet the import obligation up to 104 percent was forced on the extras of the hardware.
Because of the great import obligation on spare parts, article of clothing and material area is losing its intensity, and the public authority yell permit the import at 1% obligation, the letter peruses.

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