Cotton Textiles Export Promotion Council (Texprocil) has requested that Union Textile Minister Piyush Goyal abolish the Customs Duty on cotton because it is mostly extra long staple branded cotton and contamination free cotton that is imported.
Manoj Patodia, Vice Chairman Sunil Patwari, and Executive Director Siddhartha Rajagopal recently met with the Minister in Mumbai to address industry challenges and development opportunities for cotton textiles.
Cotton textile exports (including raw cotton) reached US$ 10,723 million in 2020-2021, up from US$ 9,799 million in 2019-20, a 9.43 percent increase.
Cotton textile exports (including raw cotton) reached US$ 10,723 million in 2020-2021, up from US$ 9,799 million in 2019-20, a 9.43 percent increase.
The Council encouraged the Minister to include the textile and apparel sectors in the “pre-negotiation phase” of the Indo-UK Free Trade Agreement right away. He also stated that the RODTEP prices should be announced as soon as possible, and that RoSCTL rates should be retained for made-ups under the programme. Mr. Patodia urged steps to assist Indian exporters in overcoming the disadvantages of tariff favours granted to competitive competitors.