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Industry And Cluster | News & Insights

Bihar is courting the North Indian apparel sector

Published: July 23, 2021
Author: Manali bhanushali
Bihar has welcomed the textile industry from North India to set up shop. Syed Shahnawaz Hussain, the state’s Industry Minister, stated that a textile policy will be unveiled shortly. On the margins of an interactive session with CII members yesterday, he revealed this.
“Over the years, Bihar’s workforce has evolved from unskilled to skilled. Bihar accounts for up to 70% of employees in certain textile clusters. If we want to outperform Bangladesh and Vietnam in the garment sector, the industry must place its trust in Bihar because of its low labour costs,” he added.
He emphasised the state’s advantageous location for internal trade as well as exports, especially to South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) countries. He stated that most regions in the state were linked to neighbouring states by roads and other networks.
He stated that the bulk of employees who returned to the state following the introduction of Covid were from the textile industry and desired a decentralised industrial system that would allow them to work from their home state.

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