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Ana Nieto Churruca, Founder Of The Platform, Will Count On The White Rabbit For Her Communication Strategy

Published: May 18, 2021
Author: Manali bhanushali

Nieto is also the founder of Web Empresa 2.0, a marketing agency with which he has helped grow more than 100 companies and businesses on the internet.

May, 2021 . – Ana Nieto Churruca, founder of the platform and the RETO 60 days program , will collaborate with The White Rabbit for its communication strategy, focused on positioning the entrepreneurial and innovative profile of the CEO.

Nieto’s successful project bases its philosophy on helping to write, self-publish and promote a non-fiction book with sales potential in 60 days, as a strategy to position a professional brand . With it, he has helped more than 1,000 professionals to achieve their goal, in addition to collaborating in their personal development. In the almost 8 years of the platform’s life, Nieto has published some 2,000 books, which he has promoted through Amazon.

The businesswoman, with more than 20 years of experience in digital marketing, is also the founder of Web Empresa 2.0, a marketing agency through which more than 100 business and business projects have passed and grown on the internet. To his personal credit, he has different book publications, making Triumph with your ebook a best seller in the e-commerce giant Amazon.

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