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Importance of Textile Education to Textile Entrepreneurs

Published: February 29, 2024

By Shri Minesh V. Adhvaryu, Director of Kushal Textile Institute, Surat

The textile industry undergoes continuous revolutionary transformations in technologies, raw materials, and end-product applications. The pivotal role of education in sustaining and propelling this dynamic sector must be addressed.

Even within the decentralized textile industry sector, there is a notable trend of integrating modern technologies into machinery. The aim is to compete domestically and globally regarding quality and efficiency. In such a scenario, a comprehensive understanding of technical matters and familiarity with international terminology becomes imperative. Entrepreneurs must broaden their horizons to encompass the broader landscape of business.

Contrastingly, the textile industry’s MSME sector has often needed to pay more attention to technical and professional knowledge. Many entrepreneurs in this category rely heavily on family expertise. However, the MSME segment urgently requires expertise addressing technical and managerial challenges specific to their industry.

In today’s textile industry and business landscape, success demands entrepreneurs and traders with knowledge and foresight, prepared to navigate global competition while comprehending the intricate details of the industry. Entrepreneurial success is fundamentally linked to being well-prepared and educated. Unfortunately, a lack of knowledge and information often leads entrepreneurs to miss potential product orders or accept jobs beyond their capabilities, resulting in precarious situations and misguided decisions.

In our fast-paced world, making timely and informed business decisions is crucial. Delayed choices in this competitive environment seldom yield desired benefits. The mantra for success in this competitive business landscape is to “Move Fast – Act Fast.” Your knowledge is the key to success in such strategic times.

Individuals often enter the textile business due to financial strength, contacts, or family background. Over time, individuals realize the critical importance of business and entrepreneurial knowledge. This realization may come when substantial investments have already been made in the industry. At this juncture, individuals need clarification about what steps to take, where to go, and other related concerns exacerbated by their status, age, and time constraints.

Fortunately, there are institutions where individuals can acquire knowledge of the textile industry while actively engaging in their business without sacrificing too much valuable time. The recent revolution in the education system, spurred by the COVID-19 pandemic, has made online education a viable solution for busy entrepreneurs deeply involved in their businesses. As the saying goes, “For Every Need, There is a Solution.”

In summary, the main obstacle preventing textile entrepreneurs/traders from achieving excellence is often a lack of vision. In the form of education, knowledge is the crucial element that broadens one’s vision. It empowers individuals to run their industries and businesses successfully, contributing to overall growth on both domestic and global stages. It benefits not only individuals but also our industry and the nation.

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