The proposed Industrial Relations Code Bill 2020, seeks to give more flexibility to industrial establishments to employ or fire workers without Government approval, if they have a workforce of up to 300 workers. The present limit is 100 or more. However, it is also proposed that workers will have to provide a 60-day notice before going on strike. They can only go on strike two months after facing proceedings before a Tribunal or a National Industrial Tribunal. These alterations were suggested in the Lok Sabha on September 19, when the The Code on Social Security, 2020 as well as The Occupation Safety, Health and Working Conditions Code, 2020, were introduced by Labour and Employment Minister Santosh Kumar Gangwar. These Bills are expected to make the Labour Laws more simple and benefit the over 50 crore workers in India across the organised and unorganised sectors.
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Workers will have to give 60-day notice before going on strike.

Published: September 23, 2020
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