Kitex Garments Limited, a premier garment manufacturer, is set to launch its operations in Telangana with an investment of Rs. 3,000 crore. The company aims to produce an impressive 22 lakh garments per day at its units in Warangal and Sitarampur, Hyderabad. The move is expected to generate significant employment opportunities, with Kitex alone providing jobs for 50,000 individuals by December next year. Interestingly, around 80 per cent of the workforce will be comprised of women, promoting gender diversity in the industry.
In an exclusive interview, Sabu M Jacob, the Managing Director of Kitex Garments Limited, expressed confidence in Telangana’s potential as a textile industrial destination. Jacob attributed the company’s decision to choose Telangana as its base for future growth to the stable government, competent leadership, and industry-friendly environment. After thorough evaluations across 12 states, Kitex recognized Telangana as the ideal location to expand operations.
Impressively, Kitex plans to construct the world’s longest manufacturing plant in Sitarampur, which will feature three buildings measuring 1,350 meters each, forming a 4 km industrial facility. Jacob shared that the company aims to exclusively target the US export market from its 250-acre facility at Sitarampur and 185-acre unit at Warangal. This endeavour is projected to contribute a substantial Rs. 4,000 crore of foreign exchange annually.
Moreover, the Kitex Group plans to procure 12-15 per cent of the entire cotton production in Telangana to meet its needs, benefiting numerous farmers. Recognizing the fine quality of cotton produced in Telangana, the company intends to address the lack of adequate spinning mills and textile plants by establishing a complete mechanized cotton processing unit as part of its facility.
The launch of Kitex Garments Limited’s operations in Telangana marks a significant step towards boosting the textile industry and creating substantial employment opportunities in the region. With the company’s ambitious plans, including the construction of the world’s longest manufacturing plant, Telangana is poised to become a prominent player in the garment manufacturing sector.