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Condition of women and children in conflicted areas: Burkina faso

Published: May 25, 2020

Many countries in the continent of Africa have seen unstable governments, with people suffering not only from lack of basic resources but also from major civil uprisings.

Gaining independence from their French colonizers in 1960, one such country going by the name of Burkina-faso has struggled to step forth and provide for its citizens services ranging from basic healthcare and education to protection. Protection, from diseases which are ever increasing and corruption which plagues the government.

The young country of burkina faso is working tirelessly to make a mark on the world.

The climate of the country is semi-arid, and due to less technological advancement, 80% of the population is working in agricultural fields which accounts for 32% of its gross domestic product. the education is funded by government, while boys receiving an upper hand in studies, the government has launched various scholarship programs to increase the number of female students. A large part of the economic activity of the country is funded by international aid.

However, these facts and figures give only a slight idea into what greatly goes on the country. Burkina faso faces major civil uprisings and youth rebellions and there have been several occasions when the entire central government has been overthrown due to public fury. In such volatile political climate, it can be assumed that it is indeed difficult to progress ahead while giving the people an acceptable standard of living.

The victims of such uprisings are at the most primary level; children. Often schools are burnt and transportation stopped. With the increased frequency of such trifled times, the conjecture that education is being received by these kids, is far from right. There is constant struggle between the government and the people. While the men form a forward resistance, and females play a minority role in these situations, they suffer the worst. Most men die, leaving their pregnant wives behind and kids orphaned with nowhere to be, on their own to earn their livelihood. Often the girl children are sold to different countries by their families at a cost as low as 100$. Some are executed and some die of the diseases that prevail. the children are slaughtered in many quantities at a time and women raped. In such problematic times, how does one find a path that can lead to better future for these people that deserve a better livelihood than anyone else.

A government which is in alignment with the thoughts and sentiments of the people should be set up. Such laws should be made that not only protect the government from any more uprising but at the same time have an emphatic approach towards the people. the government to alos ensure that these laws are observed and people are happy by setting up instant grievance redressal methods and feedback systems. To reduce the corrupt policies which have long term harms on the countries, every government owned department and company should have an anonymous whistle blowing technology. At an international level, organisations like the UN can extend to such countries more funds and bring the spotlight to them in order to increase the amount of funding from various other organisations which are keen to help. To preserve the ethnic equation of the country, a check should be made so as to not destroy what has been preserved for so long for the sake of progress.

An emphatic approach towards all the countries which are struggling towards a better standard of living for their people and a chance to move at the pace which allows them to have the freedom they have been promised.

Authored by

Mr. Akshay Aggarwal – Management Trainee- TVC
[email protected]
Fostiima bussines school , Delhi , Batch : 2019-2021


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